Choosing the right school for your child is a challenging decision that requires careful research and consideration. Take time to visit the school website, read their literature and be bold when asking questions when visiting the school for an open day.

Selecting the right independent school for your child can be a challenging task. With the sheer number of options available and the varying factors to consider, it is crucial to gather all relevant information to make a well-informed decision. This article provides a comprehensive list of questions to ask when visiting an independent school in the UK, ensuring you get the most out of your school visits and make the best choice for your child's education.

According to the Independent Schools Council (ISC), there are over 1,300 independent schools in the UK, catering to more than 540,000 students. These schools are known for their academic excellence, with the ISC reporting that 96.5% of students at their member schools achieve A*- C grades at A-level, compared to 76.8% of all UK students. With smaller class sizes, individualised attention, and a broader range of co-curricular activities, independent schools have consistently delivered strong results, making them an attractive option for many families.

However, it is important to remember that independent schools are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each school has its unique ethos, curriculum, facilities, and teaching approach, which can have a significant impact on a child's educational experience. It is essential to identify the school that aligns with your child's learning style, personality, and future aspirations to ensure their success and well-being.

As you begin the process of visiting independent schools, keep in mind that it is not only about gathering facts and figures. This is an opportunity to observe the school environment, interact with staff and students, and gain a sense of the school's atmosphere and values. By asking the right questions and engaging in meaningful discussions, you will be better equipped to make an informed decision that reflects your child's needs and goals.

In the following sections, we have compiled a list of essential questions to guide your conversations and observations during your school visits. These questions cover various aspects of independent school life, including academics, co-curricular activities, pastoral care, and financial considerations. By thoroughly examining these aspects, you will be better prepared to choose the independent school that best supports your child's growth, development, and future success.

Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently embark on your independent school search, knowing that you are well-prepared to evaluate and compare different schools. Remember that the end goal is to find the best fit for your child's unique needs, talents, and aspirations. Through careful consideration and thoughtful questioning, you can ensure that the school you ultimately select will provide the best possible environment for your child's education and personal development. As you venture into the world of independent schools, let this article be your guide, helping you navigate your way to an informed decision that will positively impact your child's future.

What are the school's vision and values, and how do they shape the educational experience?

The vision and values of a school play a significant role in defining the school's culture, priorities, and overall educational approach. By understanding a school's guiding principles, you can determine if it aligns with your own values and your child's personal development goals.

When inquiring about a school's vision and values, ask how they are reflected in the day-to-day life of students and staff. Does the school prioritise academic achievement, character development, or a balance of both? Consider whether the school emphasises fostering creativity, critical thinking, teamwork, or other key life skills. It is essential to understand how these values translate into the classroom, co-curricular activities, and the overall school experience.

Investigate how the school's values are incorporated into its curriculum, teaching methods, and pastoral care system. Does the school promote a diverse and inclusive environment that respects different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives? Ask about the school's approach to discipline and student support, and how it nurtures a sense of community, responsibility, and personal growth among students.

Additionally, consider whether the school encourages parental involvement and maintains open lines of communication with families. A strong partnership between the school and parents is crucial in reinforcing shared values and ensuring that the school's vision is effectively implemented and supported.

Finally, ask about any recent or planned initiatives that showcase the school's commitment to its vision and values. These could include community service projects, collaborations with other institutions, or investments in infrastructure and facilities that support the school's mission.

By thoroughly examining the school's vision and values and how they are embedded in every aspect of school life, you can determine if the school's ethos is compatible with your own beliefs and expectations. This alignment will play a vital role in your child's success and overall satisfaction with their educational experience, making it an important consideration when choosing the right independent school.

What is the school's curriculum, and how does it cater to diverse learning needs?

Understanding a school's curriculum is crucial when evaluating its suitability for your child. Independent schools in the UK may follow various curriculums, such as the National Curriculum for England, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a combination of both. Some schools may also offer additional academic programs, like A-levels or the Cambridge Pre-U.

When asking about the curriculum, please inquire about the school's approach to teaching and learning, as well as how it caters to diverse learning needs. Does the school promote a well-rounded education by encouraging students to explore a wide range of subjects, or does it specialise in particular areas such as STEM or the arts? Assess if the school's curriculum aligns with your child's strengths, interests, and future aspirations.

Consider the level of academic challenge the curriculum presents and whether it provides ample opportunities for intellectual growth. How does the school accommodate students with different learning styles or those requiring additional support? Inquire about the availability of learning resources, special needs provision, and any additional services the school offers to help students succeed academically.

Lastly, ask about the school's track record of academic achievement, including examination results and university placement statistics. This information will give you valuable insight into the effectiveness of the school's curriculum and teaching methods, allowing you to make a more informed decision about whether the school is the right fit for your child's educational journey.

What academic resources are available to support students' learning and growth?

The quality and availability of academic resources can significantly impact a student's educational experience and success. When visiting an independent school, it is essential to inquire about the range of resources available to support learning, cater to diverse needs, and foster intellectual growth.

First, explore the school's library and technology facilities. Ask about the extent of the library's collection, including print and digital resources, as well as any specialist materials that may be relevant to your child's interests. Inquire about the availability of technology resources, such as computers, tablets, and other devices, as well as the school's approach to integrating technology into the learning process.

Next, investigate the support services available to students, including academic tutoring, mentoring, and study skills programs. These resources can play a crucial role in helping students overcome challenges and reach their full academic potential. Additionally, ask about provisions for students with special educational needs or learning difficulties, such as dedicated support staff, tailored learning plans, and access to specialised equipment or resources.

Furthermore, inquire about any partnerships or affiliations the school may have with local universities, research institutions, or industry experts. These connections can provide students with access to valuable resources, experiences, and networking opportunities that extend beyond the school's campus.

It is also essential to understand how the school supports students' academic growth outside of the classroom. Ask about opportunities for independent research, participation in academic competitions, or access to workshops, seminars, and guest speakers that can enhance students' understanding and passion for their subjects.

Finally, consider the qualifications and expertise of the school's teaching staff, as they are one of the most critical academic resources available to students. Ask about the teachers' educational backgrounds, professional development opportunities, and their approach to fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment.

By evaluating the breadth and quality of academic resources available at an independent school, you can better understand the level of support and enrichment opportunities your child will have access to, ultimately contributing to their overall academic success and personal growth.

What co-curricular activities does the school offer, and how do they contribute to students' personal development?

Co-curricular activities play an integral role in fostering a well-rounded education, providing students with opportunities to explore their interests, develop new skills, and build relationships outside the classroom. When considering an independent school, it is essential to investigate the range and quality of co-curricular activities offered to ensure they align with your child's passions and personal growth goals.

Begin by asking about the school's sports programs, including the variety of sports available, the quality of coaching, and the level of competition students can participate in. Inquire about the facilities and resources dedicated to supporting the sports program, as well as the school's commitment to promoting physical fitness and well-being.

Next, explore the school's arts offerings, such as music, drama, and visual arts. Ask about the opportunities available for students to participate in performances, exhibitions, and competitions, as well as the quality of instruction and resources available to support their artistic pursuits.

Additionally, inquire about clubs, societies, and other special interest groups available to students. These can include academic clubs, community service organisations, or cultural and language groups, among others. Investigate how the school supports and encourages student-led initiatives and leadership opportunities within these activities.

Finally, ask about any unique programs or offerings that set the school apart, such as outdoor education, travel experiences, or partnerships with local or international organisations. These opportunities can provide students with valuable life skills and broaden their horizons beyond the confines of the school environment.

By thoroughly examining the co-curricular activities offered at an independent school, you can gain insight into how the school promotes personal development, cultivates diverse interests, and fosters a sense of community among students. These experiences can greatly enhance your child's overall educational journey, encouraging them to discover their passions, develop new skills, and form lasting friendships. Ensuring that an independent school offers a robust selection of co-curricular activities that align with your child's interests and goals is a critical consideration when choosing the right school for their future success and personal growth.

What is the admissions process, and what are the requirements for entry?

Understanding the admissions process and entry requirements of an independent school is crucial in determining your child's eligibility and preparing for a successful application. By familiarising yourself with the school's specific procedures, you can ensure that your child has the best possible chance of gaining a place in their desired school.

First, inquire about the school's admissions timeline, including key dates for application deadlines, entrance exams, interviews, and any open days or information sessions. It is essential to be aware of these milestones to avoid missing any critical steps in the application process.

Next, ask about the entrance requirements, such as any prerequisite courses, minimum grade expectations, or standardised test scores. Schools may have different expectations depending on the year group your child is applying for, so make sure to clarify the specific requirements for their entry-level.

Additionally, inquire about the entrance examinations and any preparation materials or guidance provided by the school. Entrance exams may vary by subject and difficulty, and understanding their format and content can help your child adequately prepare for this important step in the admissions process.

Furthermore, ask about the school's approach to interviews and any tips or advice they can offer to prospective students. Interviews often provide an opportunity for the school to assess a candidate's fit with their ethos and values, as well as gauge their enthusiasm and commitment to learning.

Finally, consider asking about any financial assistance or scholarships available to support families with tuition fees. Independent schools may offer various forms of financial aid, and understanding the eligibility criteria and application process can be crucial for families seeking support.

By thoroughly understanding the admissions process and entry requirements, you can effectively plan and prepare your child's application, ensuring they have the best possible opportunity to secure a place at their preferred independent school. Gaining clarity on the school's expectations and requirements will help you and your child navigate the admissions process with confidence and ease, ultimately contributing to a successful outcome and the beginning of a rewarding educational journey.

What is the school's culture and environment, and how does it contribute to students' well-being and personal growth?

The culture and environment of a school have a significant impact on students' well-being, personal development, and overall educational experience. When evaluating an independent school, it is essential to gain insight into the atmosphere and values that permeate the school community, ensuring they align with your child's needs and your family's expectations.

Begin by asking about the school's approach to fostering a positive, inclusive, and supportive environment. Inquire about any policies or initiatives in place to promote diversity, tolerance, and respect among students and staff. This could include anti-bullying programs, cultural celebrations, or the integration of social and emotional learning into the curriculum.

Next, explore the school's pastoral care system, which can play a critical role in supporting students' mental health and emotional well-being. Ask about the availability of trained pastoral care staff, such as tutors, counsellors, or house parents, and how they work with students to address any personal or academic challenges they may face.

Additionally, consider the school's approach to discipline and how it aligns with your own values and expectations. Inquire about the school's strategies for promoting positive behaviour, resolving conflicts, and fostering a sense of responsibility and accountability among students.

Furthermore, assess the school's physical environment, including the quality of its facilities, the cleanliness and safety of its campus, and the availability of spaces designed to encourage collaboration, relaxation, and creativity. A well-maintained and thoughtfully designed campus can contribute to students' overall well-being, engagement, and sense of belonging within the school community.

Finally, consider the school's approach to maintaining open lines of communication with parents and involving them in their child's education. A strong partnership between the school and families is vital for reinforcing shared values and ensuring that students receive the necessary support both at school and at home.

By carefully evaluating the culture and environment of an independent school, you can determine whether it provides a nurturing and supportive atmosphere conducive to your child's well-being and personal growth. Ensuring that the school's culture aligns with your family's values and expectations is a key consideration when selecting the right educational institution for your child's future success and happiness.


Selecting the right independent school for your child involves considering various factors, including curriculum, vision and values, academic resources, co-curricular activities, admissions process, and school culture and environment. By asking the right questions and engaging in meaningful discussions during school visits, you will be better equipped to make an informed decision that aligns with your child's unique needs and aspirations. Ultimately, finding the perfect fit will contribute to your child's academic success, personal growth, and overall well-being, ensuring a rewarding and fulfilling educational journey that sets the foundation for their future achievements.

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