Plenty of activity already with which to kick off this last session of the year, with even more to come as Arts Week or Okehampton are lying just around the next corner.
I have enjoyed being dragged from pillar to post on various matters as it means you become immersed in the whole range that encompasses life in a thriving Prep school: from Nursery children spilling their pudding all over their shirts to Year 8 flexing their cerebrums and Governors’ meetings in the Woodard Room to discussions about our overseas schools to confirmation of summer works on the estate via several stops in between, there is not much left uncovered. I’ve also squeezed in a dentist appointment.
Talk in Governors’ meetings is generally forward looking and so inevitably I’ve been thinking about life beyond the end of term.
The summer works’ list will have many items of maintenance and improvement on it, of course, but you will interested to hear it also includes an uplift to both some of the boarding areas as well as the Year 1 and 2 classrooms. These will make a big difference to the children’s experience
Also new in September will be a few staff and we have recently had Alistair Wilkinson (Dep Head Academic) and Theo Frost (Science) visit us. The number of pupil joiners continues to increase and we have seen lots of children come for induction or taster days and all full of smiles.
Anyhow, that’s all to come - do click the link below to have a look at some of what has happened in the last week.