Following a week’s break where we all got blasted by the weather, this week for me has been full blast on various admin and operational matters. A good deal of engine room maintenance takes place at this time of year including considerations for next year even though we are only just approaching Spring.
King’s Loopers had a spring in their step today, partly due to the lovely running conditions in the sun but also because they had a little pent up adrenaline to burn before the off as they waited with anticipation for Mr Halls – my fault as I delayed him by a minute or two. 54 children ran today – which is 1 in 3 of those who could, and remember this is entirely voluntary.
A week of fully normal activity, gatherings and endeavours has been bloomin’ brilliant. And with the weather kinder as the days have gone by it is terrific to be looking forward to the rest of term with a big smile on our faces. Let’s hope it can remain in place for a good long while.
Have a good weekend.