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This May Bank Holiday always comes (quite naturally) so early in the term that it can take you by surprise – plus it is the only one that falls in term time and so the Monday not at school is another difference to our usual Long Weekends…this one really is a long weekend!  With the weather looking set fairish for the majority of the time there will be plenty of time outdoors and for visits I expect.

Meg, our spaniel, often heads out on the Front Field in the break times when it’s like this and she oscillates between charging around from child to child and then lying down submissively in a group, flaunting her tummy for a multiple hand rub.  Then, unexpectedly, she jumps back to her paws and hurtles off to visit the next group.

All animals shed excess waste of course and generally we are around to bag it and bin it.  If not, the wonders of modern technology come into play as I have in the past been sent a what3words reference by a member of staff.  It’s remarkable how long it can still take you to find the target even within a 3m square!

We have had Alistair Wilkinson, Deputy Head Academic from September, with us for the last two days, quietly familiarising himself with people, place and process.  Most important of those is the people and there has been little respite as Alistair has had many to meet across the full range of the ages. He will be back again this term and we will also be sure to welcome visits from other September staff joiners during the term, as well.

There is plenty to read about in the Newsletter, including news of a National Champion – congrats Humphrey, and so I hope you enjoy scrolling through, perhaps with some refreshment as you delight in the additional joy a Friday evening of a Bank Holiday weekend brings.

Please click here for the rest of this week's newsletter
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