Well, that was a week, that was!
Mine has included a lot of prospective parent meetings, 36 hours at the Woodard Heads’ annual conference, parents’ evenings, brilliant play performances (one to go), Governors’ meetings and Open Day. For various children it has involved the joyously bouncy Year 6 play (obvs!), sports competitions at various venues including Ipswich, Year 3 up Dunkery Beacon, Year 7 Book Breakfast, Year 5 to Whatley Quarry, Bruce Izzett’s wonderful, tub-thumping Christian band and a large dollop of House Music practice for all.
One result of all that is not as much time to draw out this intro to the Newsletter this week! Suffice to say that there is much to be proud of and a great deal has been learned from a broad range of experiences across a thoroughly rewarding (if tiring) seven days.
Next week is only a tad lighter on the formal diary side of things but, given it is the final week of term, the days in reality are always full of endeavour and activity anyhow. Following that there is some respite with a chance to relax and declutter our minds over Easter but, first, another seven days of reward lie in wait.