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War Memorial Quadrangle

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The subscription fund for a memorial to Old Aluredians who fell in the Great War was opened in 1916. The final memorial comprised a stone cross placed in the Chapel Quadrangle and a marble slab bearing the names of the fallen on the wall leading to the Chapel.

The memorial was designed by architect Walter E Tower who had designed the Chapel and was dedicated by the Bishop of Bath and Wells on 6 March 1920. The inscription at the base of the cross can be translated as ‘To the Old Aluredians who died gloriously for their country 1914-1919. From afar they await the last trumpet call’.


The memorial to those Old Aluredians who fell in World War II comprised a new science block at one end of the Memorial Quadrangle and was dedicated on 6 July 1957 by HRH Princess Margaret. A Gate of Honour, designed by Lawrence Bradshaw, leads off the Quadrangle to the new building, central to which is a marble memorial containing the names of the Old Aluredians, a master and a member of the domestic staff who fell.

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