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Join us for our upcoming Open Days

Taking place at King's College Prep on Friday, 14 March and King's College on Saturday, 15 March.


Starting at Third Form (age 13), pupils join and complete one year of preparation studies, before progressing into the Fourth Form when the GCSE course commences and exams are taken at the end of Fifth Form.

In the Fourth and Fifth Forms, pupils study the core subjects of English language, English Literature, mathematics and the sciences. They will be guided towards either taking three separate sciences, counting as three GCSEs, or the combined award science course, which counts as two GCSEs.

Pupils are strongly recommended to study at least one modern foreign language and they are then free to choose their remaining subjects. There is plenty of advice available on which subjects to choose from Houseparents, tutors, subject teachers and Heads of Department.


Pre-A-level Programme

This course is specifically designed for international pupils to get the very most out of their year abroad. The course is fully integrated and offers a focus on core subjects.

Pupils will be full-time boarders, integrated into the school’s seven houses. Each student will be closely supervised by a dedicated and experienced tutor. Timetabled and supervised study periods will help pupils to make excellent academic progress.

Those who complete the course and gain sufficiently high grades will be able, if they wish, to stay on and join the school’s outstanding Sixth Form to study A-levels.



Is a two-year linear course starting in Lower Sixth (age 16). Pupils pick three or four A-level subjects to focus on over the two years, but may choose to drop to three at any stage in the first year of the course.

The extended project qualification (EPQ) will be available to all. Pupils taking three A-levels will be strongly encouraged to do an EPQ. There is also a skills/extended project/lecture timetable block, which allow us to make academic enrichment a core aspect of the Sixth Form experience.


BTEC Sport & Education

Our BTEC Sport & Education programme is a full-time course that can be taken with one other A-level. This is a varied course including sports science, anatomy and physiology, sports leadership, coaching for performance and a number of other units.

King’s College is one of the sports powerhouses of the West Country and enjoys a national reputation for sporting excellence in a number of different games. This is therefore an exciting new opportunity for those who are looking to pursue a different style of learning and education.



EAL pupils benefit from individually tailored learning programmes and specialist teaching so that they can participate fully in the classroom environment and the boarding house. Within the first week of term all international pupils are assessed on their level of English, to establish the support they may require within their timetables.

Our primary goal is to encourage pupils to become effective independent learners by understanding their difficulties; finding strategies to overcome these and building on their strengths to raise their self-esteem.

All pupils that have English as a second language complete a Cambridge First Certificate.

Modern Foreign Languages
Pupils are able to take exams within their own language. Our Modern Foreign Languages department offers support for pupils to take exams within their first language, enabling them to achieve additional qualifications at both GCSE and A-level

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