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Scholarships and Bursaries

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11+ Scholarships

11+ Scholarships are awarded by King’s College for pupils at, or entering, King’s College Prep School. The value of the awards are retained on entry into King’s College subject to the normal annual review process, although award holders are expected to enter for the relevant scholarship tests at 13+.

Success here may result in an increase in the value of the award. If holders of 11+ scholarships do not proceed to King’s College, the value of the award must be repaid to the College. Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport and Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre).


11+ Scholarship dates:

Academic – Friday 15 November

Sport – Saturday 16 November

Music – Wednesday 20 November

Drama/Performing Arts – Wednesday 20 November

Closing date Monday 4 November 2024


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13+ Scholarships

King’s College makes a limited number of awards to candidates who are about to enter the School in Year 9 (13+). These awards recognise excellence and potential in a range of areas of importance to the School.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.

All 13+ scholarship testing takes place during the second half of the Lent Term (Spring). All 16+ scholarship testing takes place in the November preceding entry. Exact dates can be obtained from the Director of Admissions and Marketing.


13+ Scholarship dates:

Sport (first round) – Thursday 7 November

Academic – Monday 24 to Wednesday 26 February

Sport (second round) – Thursday 27 February

Art/Music/DT/Drama Performing Arts – Friday 28 February

Closing dates: Monday 17 February 2025 (Friday 1 November 2024 for Sport first round)


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16+ Scholarships

Our Sixth Form (16+) awards recognise excellence and potential in a range of areas of importance to the School. All awards are made on the basis of open competition, and carry clear expectations of involvement and achievement. They are all are subject to annual review.

There are several Sixth Form Scholarships available including Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama (including Performing Arts) and Design Technology.

The Somerset Scholarship
The scholarship was established in 2007 to benefit academically able pupils from the maintained sector in Somerset who wished to pursue their Sixth Form studies at King’s College.

The number of scholarships is limited, and depends on the quantity and quality of applicants each year. Candidates are interviewed, sit the school’s own scholarship paper and take a verbal reasoning test. Great emphasis will be placed on academic promise and intellectual curiosity.


16+ Scholarship dates:

Academic – Tuesday 11 March

Art/Music/DT/Drama Performing Arts – Tuesday 11 March

Sport – Tuesday 11 March

Closing Date: Friday 28 February 2025


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General Procedures

All 13+ scholarship testing takes place during the second half of the Lent Term (Spring). All 16+ scholarship testing takes place in the November preceding entry. Exact dates can be obtained from the Director of Admissions and Marketing.

In all the testing, the emphasis is on allowing the candidates an opportunity to demonstrate their strengths and we hope they find the experience enjoyable.

All scholarship testing involves interviews with members of staff and the Headmaster. We focus on putting candidates at ease and allowing them an opportunity to talk about their enthusiasms. Credit will be given to those who seem genuinely interested in their subjects, have read widely and can apply their knowledge to new situations and problems.



The School will seek references from the candidate’s present school, so it is essential that the candidate’s present Head be informed of the intention to apply for a scholarship.

Many prep schools will have copies of entry forms available. Forms may also be obtained from the Admissions Office. The application must be by signed hard copy and may not be submitted electronically.

The Headmaster will inform parents of the results of the scholarship tests and examinations soon after they are taken.


Academic Entry Requirements

Successful candidates who enter for academic awards will have satisfied the academic requirements for entry into the school. If unsuccessful, the school may or may not waive the need for them to fulfill the usual entry requirements (such as English, maths and verbal reasoning assessments).

Candidates for all other scholarships will be required to meet the usual academic entry standards for the school, whether they are awarded a scholarship or not.

In brief the entry standards include:

  • At 13+ - Pass King's entrance tests or Common Entrance
  • At 16+ - Five grade 6 (or B) GCSEs/IGCSEs and at least grade 4 (or C) in mathematics and English. We strongly recommend pupils achieve a grade 7 (or A) at GCSE/IGCSE level in each of the subjects they have chosen, or in subjects similar to those they have chosen. In addition, pupils should not start mathematics or a science A-level without having achieved a grade 7 (or A) in mathematics.

For sports scholarships, candidates will also be required to sit a verbal reasoning paper. In addition, applicants for whom English is not a first language will be required to pass language proficiency tests.

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