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Boarding and Day


House Booklet

Join us for our upcoming Open Days

Taking place at King's College Prep on Friday, 14 March and King's College on Saturday, 15 March.

House Ethos

Tuckwell is a truly wonderful boy’s boarding house. As soon as you enter this fresh and modern boarding environment, you are overwhelmed by the sense of brotherhood amongst the boys. The variety of academics, musicians, thespians and sportsmen make the house a vibrant and exciting place to be, and the sense of community we have here is wonderful as is often witnessed when the boys support each other in the many events they take part in across the school. It is a home away from home and the boys really respect that principle.

The aim is to ensure the house is a happy and safe place to live or spend time in, where everyone feels as though they can express themselves with confidence and strive to be whatever they want to be. There are always opportunities for individuals to take responsibility and develop leadership skills. In doing so, we hope the boys will adopt the values of aspiration, integrity and respect, creating a work 'hard and play hard' ethos where friends for life are made.


House History

Tuckwell house came into being in 1965 when rapidly increasing numbers meant the school urgently needed another house. It is named after the Reverend William Tuckwell who built the first school on this site. He was a great advocate the teaching of 'the unfashionable cause of science'.

In 1977, Tuckwell house was one of three houses which moved to the old rambling convent site (now a slick housing development) where other boarding houses were also located. In 2002 the new house was built on the main school site, which is an impressive building rendered in an earthy pink to reflect the hues of the local soil, and with lovely views over the 1st XI cricket outfield.


Tuckwell Today

There are 70 boys in Tuckwell house spread across the year groups with a nice balance between boarders and day pupils.

There are three Third Form dorms with separate study rooms next to the housemaster's accommodation (in case prep time becomes too exuberant). Most of the Fourth Form and Fifth Formers have twin study bedrooms, and Sixth Formers have single study bedrooms.

Day pupils have their own designated study area integrated within their year groups, and there are beds available for when they wish to board, which is often more than once a week. The day boys are included in house life and often stay on to complete their prep in the evening or for the house socials run each week.



My name is Brendan Craggs and I am the Tuckwell Houseparent. I live on site, next door to Tuckwell with my wife Magdalena (Mags), sons Sullivan and Oskar, and Teddy our cat who loves roaming the corridors of Tuckwell. 

I’m in charge of pastoral and academic welfare, so if anyone has a problem or needs permission to do something, they talk to me in the first instance. Basically I am here to look after everyone.

If I had to sum up the house, I would say that it is a huge amount of fun with a caring and supportive atmosphere. It is a home away from home with brilliant staff and Sixth Form pupils who help the younger pupils along the way.

When not directing proceedings in the house, I can be found teaching in the PE, and BTEC Sport department. On top of that, I coach the U15A rugby and cricket teams. Sport is my passion, and I am an avid Somerset CCC and a Bristol Bears fan. I love playing golf, cricket and have now ventured into the world of veteran’s football (YES, a veteran at 36 years old!). I am also getting used to being a dad and love spending time with the Tuckwell family as well as my own.

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