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Inspection Reports

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King's College Regulatory Compliance ISI Report 2022

During a busy two-day visit to King's College, the inspectors observed lessons, had discussions with pupils and examined samples of pupils’ work. They held discussions with members of staff and with a group of governors, observed a sample of the extra-curricular activities that occurred during the inspection period and attended chapel. The team visited boarding houses and the learning support and educational resource areas, considered the responses of parents, staff and pupils to pre-inspection questionnaires, in addition to examining curriculum and other documentation made available by the school.  

The Reporting Inspector commented upon how much he enjoyed his visit and the school passed with flying colours, remaining fully compliant in all areas.

Please use the link below to read the full report.

Full Report

King's College Prep School Educational Quality ISI report 2022

King's College Prep School celebrated the result of a full inspection in October 2022. The school was judged to be “excellent” in both the achievement and the personal development of its pupils – the highest possible rating under the current inspection framework.

During their four-day visit, the inspectors observed lessons, had discussions with children and examined samples of pupils’ work. They held discussions with members of staff and with a group of governors, observed a sample of the extra-curricular activities that occurred during the inspection period, and attended form meetings and chapel. Inspectors visited the boarding house and the facilities for the youngest pupils, together with the learning support and educational resource areas. Inspectors considered the responses of parents, staff and pupils to pre-inspection questionnaires. The inspectors examined curriculum and other documentation made available by the school.

"Pupils of all ages are excellent communicators. They speak with confidence and clarity. This is because pupils have been brought up in a school environment where they feel happy and confident, and they know that they will not be judged should they make a mistake."

Please use the link below to read the full report.

Full Report

King's College Educational Quality ISI report 2018

King’s College celebrated the result of a full inspection in March 2018. The school was judged to be “excellent” in both the achievement and the personal development of its pupils – the highest possible rating under the current inspection framework. This judgement places King’s College at the forefront of independent schools in the region and amongst the best in the UK.

The full, integrated inspection first looked at regulatory requirements and found the school to be compliant. The inspectors went on to look at the quality of the education provided, gathering information from pupil and parent surveys, exam results, scrutiny of pupils’ work, interviews with staff and pupils and lesson observations.

Please use the link below to read the full report.

Full Report

King's College Prep School Regulatory Compliance ISI Report 2018

The school passed the ISI inspection with flying colours, remaining fully compliant in all eight areas.

These include:

  • The quality of education
  • The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils
  • Pupil welfare, health and safety
  • Suitability of staff, supply staff and proprietors
  • The premises and accommodation
  • Provision of information
  • Manner in which complaints are handled
  • Quality of leadership in and management of the school

Please use the link below to read the full report.

Full Report

King's College Boarding Welfare Intermediate ISI Inspection Report 2015

After a two-and-a-half day ISI boarding inspection that reviewed the provision and care, welfare, safeguarding, and leadership and management, the inspectors judged that King's College has "excellent" boarding provision that meets national standards. 

Inspectors conducted formal interviews with boarders, held discussions with senior members of staff and governors, observed a sample of the extra-curricular activities that occurred during the inspection period and attended registration sessions. Inspectors visited each of the boarding houses and the facilities for sick or injured pupils. The responses of parents and boarding pupils to pre-inspection questionnaires were analysed, and the inspectors examined regulatory documentation made available by the school.

Please use the link below to read the full report.

Full Report

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