Published on: Thursday, September 22, 2022

During the summer break, staff have been busy renovating the Grade II listed building that is home to boarding children at King’s Hall School situated off the Kingston Road.

It has always been a wonderful place to grow and the considerable amount of work done to modernise the accommodation and improve the flow between rooms is a terrific uplift. The boarding house is split into three areas for senior boys, junior boys and the girls. Each area allows the children to thrive and enjoy their space in the company of their friends and develop at their own pace.

As well as keen to share the brilliant enhancements, the boarding team were excited to welcome children back to their home away from home as the house comes back to life after the holidays. The start of a new year is always invigorating as friends reunite, new relationships are forged, the children personalise their space and explore the school. As well as there being masses to do in school as a whole, the boarders have activities in the evenings, movie nights, tuck nights and many adventures going away at the weekends. Snoops, the lovable school pooch, is often not far from the action too.

Children can attend King’s Hall as day pupils, full boarders, flexi-boarders or they board casually, with each option designed to give every child the opportunity to move through the stages of developing independence. Younger boarders often need more of a helping hand, but soon grow in confidence and increasingly take ownership of their world as they mature: boarding is a powerful and fulfilling transformational experience.

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