Annual Poetry Recitation Final 2022

Annual Poetry Recitation Final 2022

The annual poetry recitation final saw the whole school gather in the Chapel to appreciate the spoken word.
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Remembrance Sunday Service Honours all those who Gave their Lives

Remembrance Sunday Service Honours all those who Gave their Lives

In order to honour and respect those who have suffered or died in war, King’s pupils, parents and staff unite for a remembrance service. 
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Sixth Former Pupils Absorb the History of Berlin

Sixth Former Pupils Absorb the History of Berlin

The German capital Berlin was the half-term destination for a group of 23 King’s Sixth Form academic scholars.
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Pupils Tuck in to Meals Created in Five-star Hygiene Rated Kitchens

Pupils Tuck in to Meals Created in Five-star Hygiene Rated Kitchens

Both King’s Hall School and King’s College understand the importance placed on school meals and the part they play in the day, diet and educational experience of pupils.
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Celebrating the Feast of St Francis of Assisi

Celebrating the Feast of St Francis of Assisi

This week’s Wednesday weekly Mass was in honour of St Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of animals and the environment.
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King's Geographers Explore the Jurassic Coast

King's Geographers Explore the Jurassic Coast

On a recent geography field trip, nineteen Upper Sixth Form geographers collected fieldwork data along the Jurassic Coast for their A-level independent investigations.
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Cllr Toby Johnson OA Returns to King's

Cllr Toby Johnson OA Returns to King's

On Monday, our Sixth Form pupils were delighted to welcome back former pupil Cllr Toby Johnson OA as part of our Horizon Lecture series.
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Boarding House Refurbished at King’s Hall

Boarding House Refurbished at King’s Hall

During the summer break, staff have been busy renovating the Grade II listed building that is home to boarding children at King’s Hall School situated off the Kingston Road.
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