King's Historians Explore Berlin

King's Historians Explore Berlin

During the first weekend of the Easter holiday, 33 Fourth and Fifth Form pupils studying GCSE history, accompanied by four members of staff, set off for Berlin, the capital of Germany and one of the most…
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Staff Benefit from Electric Car Package

Staff Benefit from Electric Car Package

King's has announced its latest employee benefit in partnership with, aimed at helping staff reduce the cost of purchasing a new electric car.
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King's Sponsors Somerset County Cricketers

King's Sponsors Somerset County Cricketers

King’s College and King’s Hall School are delighted to announce the renewal of their long-standing relationship with Somerset County Cricket Club.
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A Tranquil Haven: Introducing the Yinshi Meditation Pod

A Tranquil Haven: Introducing the Yinshi Meditation Pod

Our Chaplain, Father Mark, is excited to provide a new Yinshi Meditation Pod in the centre of the main school building. The pod will create a more harmonious environment for pupils, all staff and parents…
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Young Musicians Compete at King's

Young Musicians Compete at King's

The nail-biting final of the King’s Junior and Senior Young Musician of the Year Competition was held in the Chapel.
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Liam Secures Prestigious Gap Year Appointment

Liam Secures Prestigious Gap Year Appointment

King's Sixth Form pupil Liam A has secured a prestigious gap year appointment as a Choral Scholar at Sherborne.
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A Brush with Murder

A Brush with Murder

The art and drama scholars inspired admiration, shock and awe amongst those who attended Saturday night’s murder mystery evening.
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Swimmers Compete in London Olympic Pool

Swimmers Compete in London Olympic Pool

Ten pupils competed in the Bath and Otter Cup competition that consists of four relays swam in a 50m pool at the London Aquatic Centre, the home of swimming during the 2012 Olympics.
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