First Cricket Team Wins National T20 U18 Cup

First Cricket Team Wins National T20 U18 Cup

At the end of the Summer Term, the King’s College first cricket team won the National T20 U18 Cup for the first time ever at the stunning Arundel Castle cricket ground.
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Sixth Former Selected for National Youth Choir

Sixth Former Selected for National Youth Choir

Talented musician Maisie O was delighted to discover she has been selected for the National Youth Choir, the most prestigious choir for young choral singers in the UK.
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Teamwork and Campcraft in the Wilds of Exmoor

Teamwork and Campcraft in the Wilds of Exmoor

Overlooking a beautiful Exmoor Valley, Chindit Camp was established and pupils took part in a variety of traditional camp activities, including cooking, navigation and camouflage and concealment.
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Year 8 Residential Trip - A Thrilling Week of Adventure

Year 8 Residential Trip - A Thrilling Week of Adventure

Embarking on a week-long adventure brimming with thrilling activities, enlightening experiences, and invaluable bonding, our Year 8 pupils set off to North Devon, where exhilaration, education, and unforgettable…
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Records are Smashed at Schools' Athletics Championship

Records are Smashed at Schools' Athletics Championship

In a spectacular display of prowess and tenacity, our King’s Athletes represented the Taunton Area Schools District team on a grand scale, taking part in the illustrious Somerset Schools Championship.
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Final Preparations Underway for the King's Cricket Festivals

Final Preparations Underway for the King's Cricket Festivals

This summer will undoubtedly be another exciting one at King’s College as the Cricket Festivals look forward to welcoming over 70 teams from all over the UK and beyond.
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Sixth Former Receives Award at National Army Museum

Sixth Former Receives Award at National Army Museum

In addition to Thomas B studying A-level history, philosophy and business studies at King’s College, he came second in the junior category of the annual Centre for Army Leadership and National Army Museum…
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King's College Swimming Team Make a Splash at the Meade King Cup

King's College Swimming Team Make a Splash at the Meade King Cup

This year teams from King’s College, Wellington School, Queen’s College and Taunton School came together to battle it out at this historic event.
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