Pupils Set to Make a Difference in the Local Community

Pupils Set to Make a Difference in the Local Community

King’s College is one of the founder members of the Somerset Chapter of Citizens UK, which is committed to actioning for social justice in their local communities and the common good.
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Annual Poetry Recitation

Annual Poetry Recitation

The annual poetry recitation final saw the whole school gather in the Chapel to appreciate the spoken word.
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What an Action-packed Pyrland Day!

What an Action-packed Pyrland Day!

Before children left to relax over half term, they enjoyed an action-packed Pyrland Day, which is a celebration of togetherness and full of fun, interactive activities.
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The Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Cox Delivers Batten Lecture

The Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Cox Delivers Batten Lecture

King’s College welcomed back one of its illustrious alumni, Sir Geoffrey Cox QC MP, to deliver this year’s Batten Lecture.
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Year 8 Charity Fête

Year 8 Charity Fête

Every year our leaving Year 8 children host a Charity Fête, with all manner of stalls and activities for other year groups (and usually parents) to visit and partake.
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