Published on: Thursday, August 15, 2024

Today we welcomed pupils and their families back to school to celebrate their hard work and dedication, having received another set of excellent A-Level and BTEC results.  

Departments which performed particularly well this year include further mathematics with a 100% A*-B pass rate, mathematics with 100% A*-C and German with 100% A*-B. 

There were some outstanding achievements, with several pupils gaining three or more A or A* grades: George G, Sasha V, Declan T, Sienna LM, Evangeline P, Cara C, Daniela H, Desmond L, and School Captain Josh C. With special mention going to Sasha V for achieving five A Levels, three A* and two As. 

Two pupils will be following their dreams of heading to Oxbridge colleges: Cara C to Cambridge to read Natural Sciences with her three outstanding A* grades, and last year’s leaver, Catherine H, who will be taking up her offer to Oxford, at St John’s, College to read Physics. 

It is fantastic to see success in a wide range of STEM subjects, particularly from our girls, with both Daniela H successfully gaining a place at Imperial College, London to study Biochemistry with three A* grades and Evangeline P gaining two A* grades and two A grades (one A in EPQ) and securing a place to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bristol. 

Many of our pupils have gained places at some of the country’s leading universities. Alongside places at Oxford, Cambridge, and Imperial, pupils will be heading to Durham, Bristol, Exeter, Loughborough, York, Newcastle, and Goldsmiths. Increasingly we are seeing pupils applying overseas and we are delighted that Alexandra H and Georgina H have both won scholarships to study at respected universities in the United States.  

Not only was it the success of our A-Level pupils that was keenly celebrated today. This year sees our best ever results for the BTEC Sport course, where 88% of pupils achieved grades equivalent to A*-A. Topping these results was Emma D, recipient of our BTEC Academic prize, who scored an exceptional 287 out of a possible 288 points over two years. 

Head of Department for BTEC Sport, David Jessep, commented: 

“These results are outstanding and a culmination of the hard work and commitment over the last two years. Our pupils have enjoyed the variety that the course provides as well as the different assessment methods. They now head onto their next challenges, excited at the prospect of what lies ahead, be this university, a gap year, or direct entry into the workplace. The BTEC course opens the door to a wide range of professional opportunities including teaching, physiotherapy, and nutrition, among others.  

The course is growing in strength each year and we continue to attract several fantastically gifted pupils from around the country. I think each of the pupils would join me in saying we have had a great deal of fun throughout the course, which is always a wonderful sentiment.” 

Today we have delighted in listening to pupils fondly discussing the factors that they attribute to their academic success. A recurring theme has been the first-class study environment they were able to enjoy alongside their peers whilst revising, including access to our state-of-the-art dedicated Sixth Form Centre and study equipment – a space that enabled them to study, collaborate, and relax during what is often seen as quite a stressful time in the school year. When asked whether pupils felt they had emerged from this ‘exam season’ with a positive mindset, ready to face important decisions in their educational journey or career pathway, many replied with a resounding yes! 

Here at King’s our pupils leave school confident, happy, and mature young adults, and we are proud to have played such a fundamental part in their formative years. We are also incredibly proud of those pupils who joined us in Nursery and Prep, all of them benefiting from a fantastic continuity of education from 2-18 years.  

In our rapidly evolving digital world, critical thinking skills, confidence, and self-belief are also crucial to success. The skills developed through co-curricular activities, whether on the sports field or in the drama theatre, may not always be reflected in exam results, but they are invaluable assets for the future workplace and for life. 

While some achievements are reflected in grades and university placements, others are seen in the confidence, positive mental well-being, resilience, and a lifelong love of learning that is carried throughout life.  

Head of Sixth Form, Oliver Elsworth, commented:  

“As the first Upper Sixth cohort I have seen through the school, it has been a pleasure to watch them flourish in their final year. Along with their outstanding collective strength of character and extensive co-curricular successes, this group has a huge amount to be proud of. It is no surprise that many of the 2024 leavers have secured places at prestigious universities like Imperial, Bristol, Bath, Durham, and Cambridge, as well as other institutions around the world. This cohort, several of whom have been at the school since the age of two, have an incredibly exciting future ahead of them and are certainly ready for the next chapter in their educational journey. 

From cybersecurity to architecture, PPE to natural sciences, medicine to fine art, engineering to economics, marketing to psychology, this year's leavers are poised to lead future innovation, investigation and care outside of the school with the same levels of dedication and success they showcased so notably during their time here.” 

Headmaster, Michael Sloan, commented:  

“I want to take this opportunity to congratulate our Upper Sixth pupils – these outstanding results are a fully deserved reward for their hard work, commitment, and resilience. In whichever direction they now travel, we are incredibly proud of each pupil’s individual achievements.  

This year’s strong results should be seen against the backdrop of an astonishingly varied involvement in a wide range of activities undertaken throughout their time at King’s. They have been superb leaders and role models, developing a range of life skills and experiences that will positively impact on their future endeavours. 

We thank them for all they have offered to the King’s community over many years and wish them well on the next stage of their journeys.” 

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