Published on: Friday, March 10, 2023

This week, King's Hall pupils enjoyed a thrilling STEM-tastic week as they grappled with numerous STEM challenges including designing, building, and battling 3D-printed robots, alongside experiments with balloon inflators, magnetic mazes and walking water!
Over the course of the week in Prep, our young innovators used their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills to design and build robots using 3D printing technology. Under the guidance of their STEM instructors, Mrs Cole, Mr Morgan, Mr Stannett and Mr Eyers. The final event saw these young engineers go head-to-head in a series of intense battles, showcasing their robots' strength, speed, and agility. The excitement was palpable as each robot fought fiercely to emerge as the ultimate champion. The event not only encouraged students to develop their STEM skills but also provided them with an opportunity to learn more about robotics and engineering, as well as the importance of teamwork and collaboration.
"This competition was an amazing opportunity for our students to apply what they have learned in our STEM program to a real-world challenge". "We are incredibly proud of their hard work, dedication, and innovation. These students have demonstrated the creativity and problem-solving skills that are essential for success in the 21st century." - Mr Stannett
After our exciting launch on Monday, our Pre-Prep children came to school dressed in STEM-inspired costumes and invited their grown-ups to join us in our classrooms for STEM activities. We then celebrated all things STEM through song, dance and jokes at a special assembly. It was a fantastic first day, and we looked forward to more whizz, pop, bang fun and learning over the rest of the week!
The children then enjoyed participating in many activities to challenge their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. They provide moments of wide-eyed awe and wonder as they watch the effects of super experiments such as balloon inflators, magnetic mazes and walking water. Many children have also enjoyed a trip to the Science labs, where our Head of Science, Mrs Cole, has further ignited their passion for the subject with some cool experiments. We are already looking forward to doing it all again next year!

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