Published on: Wednesday, February 2, 2022

After having enjoyed a fabulous lunch that included a Chinese salad bar and various traditional dishes, the international boarders at King’s Hall were invited to King’s College to continue the celebrations with a lavish supper.

The evening event was a great success, with over 100 pupils sharing in the special occasion. Everyone took great pleasure in sharing the evening with friends, and the dining hall looked beautiful decorated in vibrant red and gold by an army of helpers just an hour beforehand. As always, the catering team did a superb job with individually designed place settings and Chinese red wallets, as well as an abundance of Chinese sweets.

The evening opened with speeches from the Sixth Form pupils, firstly in Mandarin by Ella D, then the Cantonese version by Cyrus L, and finally an English translation from Terry S. The atmosphere was happy and relaxed, and the food was scrumptious, with a varied array of dishes. There were even fortune pancakes on offer, for good luck of course!

We would like to say a huge thank you to all the pupils who contributed to making it a very special event, with special thanks to Ariel F who helped to organise the seating and made all the name cards individually.

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