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Bursaries and Legacies

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Join us for our upcoming Open Days

Taking place at King's College Prep on Friday, 14 March and King's College on Saturday, 15 March.

What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?

Sir Winston Churchill

Support a Bursary

Give the Gift of a King’s Education

In founding King’s, Canon Woodard’s aim was to make a first-class education accessible to a much broader spectrum of society. He was an early standard bearer for educational equality.

Our aim is to increase the number of free places at King’s College to pay for the education of academically gifted, local children. We will do this by raising funds to spend immediately on new places, while also building up a substantial endowment fund to ensure the provision of bursaries in perpetuity.

If you would like to provide the gift of a King's education, please do get in touch with Brenda on BJWorth@kings-taunton.co.uk or on 01823 328184.


The Gift of a Legacy

We have been so incredibly fortunate to have been supported by former pupils and supporters of our schools.

To honour those who have made, or intend making, provision in their Will for King’s, we have established the Old Pelican Legacy Society.


If you have a fondness for King’s and a desire to see if flourish in perpetuity, we ask that you consider making a bequest in your will. Unless you specify otherwise, we will add your bequest to the King’s Bursary Fund to provide a King’s education to gifted, less advantaged children.

Not only will a legacy make an enormous difference to the long term prosperity of the schools, it is highly tax effective in terms of your estate. Check the HMRC website for the latest details.

If you wish to notifiy us of your Legacy to King's click here, alternatively contact Brenda Worth on 01823 328184, or download our Legacy Pack using the button below.

Legacy Pack

Royal National Children's Springboard Foundation

King's is proud to be an accredited school, offering bursary placements to help propel young people from challenging backgrounds into careers and roles where they can advocate and influence for further advances in social mobility.

We know that some of the UK’s leading schools – boarding and independent - offer their pupils opportunities, experiences and relationships that are literally life-changing. We believe that these advantages should not be the exclusive preserve of those born into privilege. And the schools in our growing network agree.

Royal National Children's Springboard Foundation

About the Programme

A social mobility charity, Springboard focuses on harnessing the power of educational opportunities at some of the UK’s leading schools to benefit young people who need them the most. Working in partnerships at community level and with Local Authorities, the charity identifies young people for whom a bursary placement at boarding/independent school offers a life-transforming opportunity.

If you'd like to read more about the work of this charity, please click the button below to visit their website.

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