We require an enthusiastic and well-qualified teacher to join our chemistry team from September 2025. We are looking for a teacher who can share their expertise and love of their subject, and teach lessons which inspire and that pupils enjoy. Chemistry is a popular and successful subject at all levels, with a good number of pupils going on to read chemistry-related degrees at university.
King’s College has a lively and friendly Common Room of over 50 full-time teachers, all of whom contribute to the school’s outstanding co-curricular programme of sport, music and many other activities. The ability to contribute to this programme would be a distinct advantage. All teachers also tutor a small number of pupils and undertake an evening duty in one of our boarding houses, the Sixth Form Centre or the library.
King’s College is an exciting, forward-looking and rewarding school to work in. We support all staff to develop their teaching and pastoral skills, providing frequent access to high quality professional development, utilising the skills and experience of colleagues through our peer-coaching programme and tailoring professional development to each individual and their aspirations. We believe that investing in the development our staff is a key element in ensuring excellent teaching, learning and pastoral care. We are keen to embrace new ideas and technologies to ensure that teachers at King’s are at the forefront of teaching and learning innovation, and are rightly proud of the quality of pedagogy witnessed daily around the school. Two members of the SMT are directly responsible for the wellbeing (Assistant Head Common Room) and professional development (Assistant Head Teaching and Learning) of all staff at King’s. Newly qualified teachers will be supported in completing their ECT years at King’s by the Head of Staff Induction, who has vast experience in guiding and training ECTs.
For further details and an application form, contact the HR department on 01823 328105, visit the vacancies page on our website (www.kings-taunton.co.uk) or email kleady@kings-taunton.co.uk or CSweet@kings-taunton.co.uk.
The closing date for applications is 9.00am Friday 25th April.
Interviews will be held w/c 28th April.
King’s College Taunton is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service.