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Prep (Ages 7-13)

School Life

Join us for our upcoming Open Days

Taking place at King's College Prep on Friday, 14 March and King's College on Saturday, 15 March.

Pupils’ attitudes to learning are exemplary. They are eager to always give of their best to please their teachers

Educational Quality ISI report 2022

A genuinely lovely prep school with well-mannered and well-rounded pupils who achieve great things across a fabulously broad range of disciplines without seeming arrogant or elitist. A wonderful start to any child’s educational experience.

Good Schools Guide 2022

Pupils of all ages are excellent communicators. They speak with confidence and clarity. This is because pupils have been brought up in a school environment where they feel happy and confident.

Educational Quality ISI report 2022

From Year 3, children in the Prep take advantage of the full school site, moving around to subject-specific classrooms and broadening their timetabled subjects.

Good Schools Guide 2022

Meet the Headmaster

On my first visit to King’s College Prep, I was struck by the tangible warmth and friendliness of children, staff and parents. The school hums with life and laughter as the children and teachers apply themselves with great energy to create a wonderful environment for learning. Children benefit from a genuinely rounded education where each individual is encouraged to fulfil their own potential, not only academically, but also to take advantage of the plentiful opportunities presented to them.

Pastoral care is of the highest standard and the development of a child’s understanding of kindness, empathy and friendship are balanced against instilling a determination to succeed and perform to one's best.

As well as seeing many prospective parents, we have recently been visited by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. After several days of close scrutiny, by published a glowing report which provide expert, objective and trustworthy evidence of the outstanding achievements of our pupils and staff.

Children are amazing and can do incredible things, and I hope you visit us to see for yourself.

Justin Chippendale


Caring and Nurturing

Pastoral care is a significant part of life at King’s College Prep. We are a school with a strong boarding ethos and recognise that our pupils thrive in the atmosphere of care and support that we provide. Our pupils succeed because they feel happy and at ease in their surroundings, and therefore they achieve more.


Fresh Air and Fun

Day and boarding pupils are wholly integrated through the traditional house systems, and there are several opportunities for pupils who do not normally board to join their peers during special year group boarding nights.

There is also a wide variety of after school and weekend activities on offer to all children. Many chose to socialise with friends beyond the classroom, while learning something new or developing an interest. There is something for everyone, whether they are creative or musical, fascinated by wildlife or mad about maths.


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