by Justin ChippendaleI sit here looking down the front field and Fire Magic are on site setting up their display for later. It appears the weather is going to offer up a pretty decent window of opportunity so we should have a lovely evening.
The week has seen a great number of children thoroughly busy once again after a two week break for half term. Experiments, essays, sports tournaments, play rehearsals, outdoor ed, Viking invasions, musical interludes and plenty of fun along the way have all been part of the last four and half days.
Today we had our annual moving and poignant service, including two minute silence at 11am along with the nation, to remember those who have fought and died in the service of our country. The wreath laid by the youngest and oldest in Prep, the Last Post and Reveille played live, readings, anthems, prayers, hymns, processions all conducted by the children. It is a powerful and emotive occasion.
I have spoken to the children this week about the ability, skill and need to respond differently to differing circumstances in life and certainly that is required today as we move between Remembrance and fireworks. Life’s rich tapestry is multi-faceted, multi-textured, multi-coloured and consequently generates a multi-emotional (sic) experience. Learning to respond, behave and grow accordingly and appropriately is a valuable understanding to gain.
The weekend ahead remains busy for very many children with plenty going on tomorrow. I have the OA Dinner (former pupils of King’s) tomorrow night and the recent leaving long-serving staff members will be amongst the guests of honour. Mr and Mrs Biggs, recent Head of the College, and Mrs Brazier along with Mr and Mrs Thomas who all left King’s Hall last year will be duly feted.
I hope you have a good weekend.

This Week in Pre-Prep...
by Claire LuckhurstThe children (and staff) have returned from the half-term break looking suitably refreshed and recharged for what is perhaps the busiest (and most exciting) chunk of the term. Despite the darker days of winter approaching, we have plenty to keep us full of cheer over the coming weeks as the season of glitter and all things that sparkle sits on the horizon. This joyous mood was sombrely balanced today as Pre-Prep gathered on the terrace at 11am to mark Remembrance Day. This week’s Ambassador (Gabriel) delivered a couple of short readings and then he, along with Lucy J (as the youngest in Reception), placed our poppy wreath on the decking. I never fail to find watching such little people stand in silence so respectfully a moving experience and pray each year that this generation will only live through peaceful times.
Please click here to read the rest of this week's Pelican NewsRemembrance Day Service
Coming up ...
Please see the School Calendar on the Portal and SOCs for more details and timings

Moana JR (Senior musical)
Thursday 17th and Friday 18th NovemberPerformances of this term’s senior production, Moana JR take place on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th November, starting at 6.00 pm.
There will also be a performance for the Prep school children on the morning of Wednesday 16th November which will act as a final dress rehearsal but please do come along to the evening performances with your children as well.
Seats can be booked through My School Portal by going to the School Diary, going to 17th or 18th November, finding Moana JR and clicking on Book Now. There is no need to print your tickets and seating plans will be available in the Arts Centre on the night.
Whilst we don’t charge for tickets, there will be a collection after each of the performances in aid of King’s Hall Drama to enable us to buy further headsets and microphones and we do hope you will feel able to support this generously. There is also the option to donate electronically should you wish, the link is included below.
Please note that bookings will close at 5.30 pm on Tuesday 15th November and, as always, if you have any problems please do contact the School Office.
Taunton Drama Festival 14-18th November
Next week we have over 100 children taking part in the 108th Drama Festival which takes place at the Temple Methodist Church in Taunton.
We wish them all the very best of luck in their classes!
Friends of King's Hall coffee morning - 22nd November
All parents are welcome to the Friends of King's Hall coffee morning in the Woodard Room on the 22nd November 2022 from 8:15am
Festive Barn Dance - Friday 2 December
Please join the Friends of King's Hall School with all the family for a hog roast, live band and dad-dancing (of course)!
Places are limited.
Friday 2 December, 6pm - 9pm
The Arts Centre
Tickets £10 adults / £5 children (up to Year 8)
All profits to the Nelson Trust
Bring your own refreshments and the dress code is 'festive western'
Tickets can be booked online through the Portal with the cost being added to your school bill (please go to the School Diary, find the Festive Barn Dance event and then click on Book Now).
Please note that all adults and children attending will need a ticket; when you have made your booking you will receive a confirmation email but there is no need to print anything as there will be a list of names on the ‘door’.
Women's Ashes ODI Tickets
As a sponsor of Somerset Cricket Club we are pleased to share a link for next summer’s Women’s Ashes match to be played at the County Ground which is likely to be a sell out.
Click here for full information and to book ticketsDay Prep
Week commencing 14th November
If you require day prep provision next week please book using the link below.
The booking form will close at 9am on Monday; if you need to make a late booking or make any changes after this time please let us know by emailing SchoolOffice@kingshalltaunton.co.uk.
If your child uses School transport and you need to make any changes please email Transport@kingshalltaunton.co.uk to let us know.
Day Prep Booking FormReminder to collect school photos
Just a reminder that the individual school photos have arrived and are in the School Office ready to collect. Please report to the School Office to collect your order or if you prefer you can ask your child to come and see us to collect and bring home with them.

Lucia Similien, this term's Deputy Head Girl
Hello, my name is Lucia hope everyone has had an amazing half term and had lots of fun. During my half term I watched the women's world cup rugby on tv it was amazing, and they got to the final! This Saturday 12th November at 6:30am they are playing New Zealand, which I hope to be watching. Me and my family also went to Battersea in London where my grandad lives. Battersea power station has just opened as a shopping mall there are lots shops, some haven't opened yet! After we went shopping, we went on the bikes shown in my photo, the park was very pretty at this time of year because of all the autumn colours, it is beautiful.
Today is Remembrance Day it has been 104 years since World War 1 ended, the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, at the eleventh hour, which will always be a historic day. I can't even imagine how awful it was in the trenches. So, this morning I was thinking about all the people who came to fight for England, the women who at the time stepped in and did all the jobs the men fighting in the war would have done and all of the families who lost their loved ones in either World War one or World War two and conflict since. We will all remember them.
Hope you have a wonderful rest of term.
Boarding Blog
by Lyn Burgess - Matron
We welcomed back all our boarders after a lovely long half term break. It is always lovely to hear what the children have been up to with their families and friends. The boarding team were glad of a rest, although some of us were globetrotting too! It didn’t take long to get back into the evening routines of dancing, loom banding, eating toast and chilling out with friends.
Matron’s Credit challenge this week has seen lots of paper folding, gritted teeth and even a few tears as the children have been celebrating Origami Day, 11th November. The Japanese art of paper folding has brought enjoyment and frustration in equal measures!
Of course, today is more importantly Remembrance Day, we all wore our poppies to Chapel to listen to the moving words of Father Mark, the singing of the choir and the moving trumpet call.
This evening we are all very much looking forward to the whizz, bang of the fireworks display, hot dogs, glow sticks, flapjack, and hot chocolate.
Mrs Hardy has lined up Laser Tag for Sunday and then it is full steam ahead in boarding between now and the end of the term. Hold tight everyone!
A View from the Rose Garden
Mrs Willmott's Year 3 Class

3W have returned from the Half Term break refreshed and with renewed energy. In addition to the usual weekly lessons the children have enjoyed learning all about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. In PSHE they acted out scenarios involving firework safety and performed to one another. We are now all set for the King’s spectacle this evening.
Snoops' Diary
by Snoops the Dog
Dear Friends,
Welcome back, I can tell you were all in need of that break. Sorry parents, but you were looking rather ragged two weeks ago. However, I can now see you and your offspring are full of renewed energy; I think you hoomans say, ‘full of beans’. I’ve often wondered if that’s the Heinz baked variety, or another sort. Being an inquisitive hound I did some research into the meaning of the expression and do you know what? It’s origin has absolutely nothing to do with you hoomans. Full of beans dates back to the 14th century when horses were fed beans as fodder and subsequently their owners noticed that they became quite energetic and lively.
Looking at my picture (don’t laugh by the way) you might be thinking that I’ve turned into a couch potato or a pampered pooch. Being photographed in a bike basket is a little embarrassing, I have to admit. But no, I haven’t gone soft, is the answer, I’ve done plenty of walking but I’m not entirely reliable on canal tow paths. I have a tendency to be irritatingly sniffy and therefore extremely slow; not to mention the constant distraction of those pesky ducks.
On that note, I’ll see many of you this evening at the Firework display. You might be thinking that I’d be snuggled up indoors wearing my ear defenders, but I actually love fireworks.
So see you there.
Your Friend
Snoops X
Mr Sprague's Year 6 Tutor Group
We are a very big group this year, 19 of us and Mr Sprague! You might think things could get a little messy and loud and, at times, we can sound a bit like the House of Commons during PM’s Questions! Therefore, to enable our days to run smoothly and to preserve Mr Sprague’s sanity, we have developed some good rules and organised ourselves so that we all look after each other.
Just before the half term break, we had a fantastic trip as a year group to Mill on the Brue. We threw ourselves into everything and had a lot of fun!
Now we are looking forward to the remainder of term and all the events that are coming up.
Academic Life
In ICT this term we have been looking at our digital footprints and how data is shared on the internet. We have looked at the possible risks of sharing personal information online and the ways we can keep our online profiles safer through the content we share. Years 4, 5 and 6 have drawn some fantastic digital footprints with the way they use the internet.
Year 3
Year 3 made the big leap from the Pre-Prep Log Cabin to the ICT rooms in the prep this term and have taken the transition in their stride! Almost all of the children are able to log in to the computers by themselves and have started to explore the Office365 suite of applications. They have been working on getting familiar with word processing with Word Online as well as improving their touch-typing skills.
Year 4
Year 4 have also been working on their Office365 skills with a focus on Word and PowerPoint. They have each created a presentation about their favorite animal, sport or activity and explored the ways to make their presentations more interesting and engaging.
Year 5, 6 and 7
Year 5, 6 and 7 have been getting to grips with a new coding language MakeCode. They have progressed through a self-directed skill map, creating games, stories, jokes, and greetings cards. This is a new topic for this year, and it has been very well received by the children who have all engaged thoroughly, while making excellent progress as shown in their recent topic assessment.
Year 8
Year 8 have spent the term preparing a project on online safety. They have worked in small groups to focus on an important area of online safety such as cyberbullying, password safety or online interactions. Each group created a poster showing key information about their chosen area, as well as a five-minute presentation which they will be giving to year 3 and 4 pupils later this term.
Book Club
There is still time to register!
During the half-term emails were sent out inviting you to sign up for our ever-popular book clubs. If your child would like to sign up and you haven’t already please contact our Librarian, Mrs Lowery.
Book Clubs run once a term where we gather to discuss the book and engage in some fun activities, all whilst enjoying delicious book related nibbles. It is also a great opportunity for us to encourage your child to read widely and seek enjoyment from some fantastic fiction. For older years it is good preparation for the demands of Common Entrance and Scholarship. The sessions are open to all abilities and some children may prefer to have the story read to them or listen to the story as an audio book which is also a wonderful way to consume fiction.
Reminder of this term's book club dates:
Year 3: Tuesday 29nd November 3.45pm – 4.30pm
Year 4: Tuesday 6th December 3:45pm - 4:30 pm
Year 5: Monday 28th November 4.45pm – 5.30pm
Year 6: Monday 5th December 4.45pm – 5.30pm
Year 7: Book Breakfast, Thursday 1st December 8.25am – 9.30am
Year 8: Book Breakfast, Thursday 8th December 8:25am - 9:30am
This terms book club picks are:

Year 3
Grimwood by Nadia ShireenA seriously silly tale featuring two runaway foxes, a ferocious street-cat called Princess Buttons and a wild wood packed full of hilariously weird animal characters. This rambunctious adventure with a heart-warming message should have year 3 laughing out loud and leave them wanting more!

Year 4
Leonora Bolt: Secret Inventor by Lucy BrandtSelected by the children after sampling books during library sessions, this epic STEM-themed adventure is about believing in your brainpower - and yourself! Leonora spends her days creating incredible inventions in her TOP SECRET laboratory. When she learns the terrible truth about her untrustworthy evil uncle, she must create her best invention yet to thwart him. With only the help of an otter, a questionable cook and a singing sea captain, can she dream up an invention that will defeat her evil uncle once and for all?

Year 5
The Rollercoaster Boy by Lisa ThompsonReviewed repeatedly as a ‘recommended read’ this is a superbly realised children's novel from award winning author Lisa Thompson. It somehow manages to be both a rip-roaring locked room mystery set in a run-down hotel where a famous guest has vanished into thin air and a sensitive exploration of living alongside a parent with depression. As the title hints the reader is taken on a rollercoaster of an adventure which balances any lows with laughs.

Year 6 and 7
October, October by Katya BalenWinner of the 2022 Carnegie Medal. This multi-award-winning novel is an enthralling read about the pleasures and perils of nature. It boasts a cast of vividly unforgettable characters. October and her father live self-sufficiently in the woods until one day everything changes. Journey through beautiful descriptions and heart-stopping moments as October fights to find the space to be wild in the whirling chaos of the world beyond the woods. Reviewed repeatedly as “a classic in the making” this is a perfect read for anyone who ever longed to be WILD.

Year 8
When The Sky Falls by Phil EarleWinner of the British Book Awards for Children's Fiction 2022, Winner of the Books Are My Bag Reader Award and Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal 2022. This thought provoking, multi-award-winning offering cannot fail to stimulate discussion making it a great choice for a Book Breakfast read. Inspired by a true story this is one of the most moving and original war time tales I have read. It is a roller-coaster of emotions, self-discovery, and friendship against all odds. Unusually for a wartime story set in London it includes a Silverback Gorilla but I don’t want to give the story away….can you tell?
This week's Sport round-up

U11 IAPS Rugby Festival
The U11 boys had a terrific day out at the IAPs Rugby Festival at Sherborne School on Wednesday. Despite having not played together for two weeks, we hit the ground running with a good victory over a strong All Hallows side. Next up came Queens Taunton, who were a well drilled outfit. Although we dominated the game for large parts, the Queens defence held strong and the game finished in a one all draw. Following a short break, we then faced an unbeaten Blundell’s and put in probably our best performance of the day. Unfortunately, the opposition were too strong and we narrowly lost. After refuelling on burgers and wedges, we then finished the festival with an empathetic victory over Leweston Prep. Throughout the day, the boys were great ambassadors for the school and should be very proud of how they performed both on and off of the pitch. We are now looking forward to another trip up to Sherborne tomorrow for our block fixture.

South West Hockey Tour
A lovely team photo of our pupils with Chafyn Grove School during their tour to the South West.
A great hockey fixture for the boys & girls to play in. Hope you enjoyed the rest of your tour.

Junior Netball
From the 2nd November, England netball are running a netball junior netball club for children aged 12-14 at King's College every Wednesday. The cost to take part is £5 per session (plus £8.90 EN affliation fee). For more information and to book please contact Johanna Templeman by clicking the link below.
For more Sport news...

Woodlands Adventure December Camp
19th-23rd DecemberWoodlands Adventure is a holiday club with a difference. It takes place in our own woods at King’s Hall, so there are no televisions, computers or iPads, just fresh air, friends and a whole lot of fun!
Find out more about our fantastic camp on offer during December for children aged 3 to 13 by clicking ther link below.
Our school shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing.
For a list of uniform items, shop opening times and payment details, please click the links below:
Nursery and Pre-prep
If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.
Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!
Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!