by Justin ChippendaleIt feels like ages ago in many ways but this time last week we were preparing to enjoy the Coronation weekend.
It was quite a spectacle!
At the start of Saturday, I particularly enjoyed the sight of endless military personnel arriving by public transport at Waterloo station, some heaving bass drums or sizeable instruments over the ticket turnstiles, decked out in the most sumptuous and regal uniforms. They then all seamlessly morphed into formation outside the station and marched off playing as they headed into their starting positions. Later, after all the fanfare, once the crowds had gone and things had quietened down, with effortless precision, they returned over Westminster Bridge and headed back the way they had come. No fuss, just calmly, quietly, meticulously, delivering the highest standard of what had been asked of them without seeking the limelight.
I have news about one of our own who calmly, meticulously delivers to the highest standard what is asked of him. Gareth Dayus-Jones has, this week, been appointed as Director of Music at Wellington School from January 2024. Congratulations are certainly due to him as he will move to lead a larger department with greater scope and it goes without saying that we will be sorry to say farewell.
There is plenty of time ahead for us to thank Gareth for all he has done, so I know he remains very much focussed on the present: indeed, there is a great deal of music to be made in the time between now and Christmas. We will, naturally, be starting the process of seeking his successor and will keep you posted as and when appropriate.
Huge congratulations, also, to everyone involved in such a successful day for The Nelson Trust at Monday's BIG HELP OUT Fete and Bake-Off. An amazing sum was raised (see in the Newsletter) which is testament to the quiet and meticulous tenacity of those very focussed on fundraising for the Trust: a really impressive and deserved outcome.
Enjoy the weekend.

This Week in Pre-Prep...
by Claire LuckhurstAfter the excitement of the coronation weekend and bank holiday weekends one could assume things might seem a little dull but not in Pre-Prep thanks to staff having planned trips for all year groups which is always a highlight of the term. The first trips took place this week when Reception spent a day at Noah’s Ark Zoo farm and Year 1 visited St Mary Magdalene Church in Taunton. On both occasions the children behaved beautifully and immersed themselves fully in some hands-on learning to enhance their classroom studies. Next week Year 2 head off to The Wild Place Project, Year 1 head out again to Weston-Super-Mare and Nursery to Tropiquaria. I am confident the children will once again represent the school well and thoroughly enjoy all that learning outside of the classroom offers.
Pelican News

Pelican Playgroup
Calling all parents with pre-school aged children to come along and join us for some fun and activities on Wednesday mornings at Pelican Playgroup. We currently have spaces available for some new friends to join us.Coronation Fete and Bake-Off
Over £10,000 was raised for The Nelson Trust's minibus campaign at Monday's THE BIG HELP OUT Fete and Bake-Off through baking cakes, playing games, helping on stalls, going on pony rides, doing archery, beating the goalie, eating hot dogs and so on...
A HUGE thanks to the whole King's community for coming together, making it happen and having fun at the same time!
If anyone was unable to attend but would like to donate you can still do so by clicking on the link below.
The Nelson Trust Minibus CampaignSchool Calendar
Please check the Portal and SOCs for details and timings of what is happening this term
Next week ...
Good luck to all those in Years 5, 6 & 7 taking their school exams
Monday - Wednesday (Thursday - Year 7 only)
Year 4 Geography trip to Lulworth Cove
...then the following week we have our Sports Days which parents are very welcome to come and support
Years 3 & 4
Monday 22nd (starting at 2.30pm)
Years 5 - 8
Friday 26th (starting at 1.45pm)
Eurovision 2023
During this morning's tutor period, the children celebrated all things Eurovision in advance of tomorrow's final - did you know ....?
Visit from author Elka Evlads
Please click on the following link to give your permission for your child to buy a personally signed copy of Elka's most recent novel - full details can be found in the recent email from Mrs Lowery. Please note that the deadline for orders is Wednesday 17 May.
Granny MagicKing Charles III Art Competition
The judging has taken place and the results will be announced during assembly on Monday ... so watch this space next week!
Boarding Blog
It was lovely to have the children back after a Long Weekend full of Coronation celebrations!
Years 7 and 8 have been hard at work the past few days revising for their upcoming exams, they’re doing such a super job!
Wednesday evening is time off from revising so we were able to enjoy the sunshine out on the fields and adventure playground. We are incredibly lucky to live in such gorgeous school grounds, it makes evenings like this so much fun! The bikes and scooters have become a favourite evening activity, and the races down the drive becoming ever more competitive.
Sadly no matches were played on Wednesday due to rain so we are keeping fingers crossed for some sunshine this weekend - especially for our trip to the Bear Trail!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
If anyone would like to join the fun at anytime, please contact bookboarding@kingshalltaunton.co.uk
Year 7 visit to Montacute House
by Thomas Osman
Montacute House was one of the best trips yet this year. I liked it because it incorporated English, History and Art.
The gardens were my favourite thing about the trip; they were very picturesque and were full of places to write about.
The house was very grand, it contained many facts about Elizabeth I, who was ruling at the time it was built, as well lots of portraits of royalty and nobles.
During the trip we sketched the gardens, wrote poetry and toured the house with the teachers.
I also liked the trip because we were able to explore the grounds in small groups, this made the work we were doing much more independent. I think all the Year 7s enjoyed themselves and the trip was very successful.
A few words from this term's Deputy Head Boy ...
Hi, my name is Shea, and I am your Deputy Head Boy this term.
I like the Summer Term as the weather is nice and we play cricket. Although cricket is not my favourite sport, I still really enjoy it. There are many fun things to look forward to such as athletics, I had an athletics competition at The Castle School Taunton, and it was very enjoyable. We also have sports day at the end of the month.
I joined King’s Hall at the start of Year 7 and ever since then I have loved the school, lessons, teacher and sports. I have enjoyed making new friends and also making new memories during my time here. I will be sad to leave, but I am also excited and thrilled to move to King’s College as it will be a new journey and challenge.
Last Friday evening my family and I enjoyed a Coronation themed presentation evening at Taunton Rugby Club. I play for the Taunton Rebels, I have only been playing with them for a few months, but I love it. We won the Somerset County Cup, for the Under 14s.
I am sure we all celebrated our King’s coronation in a variety of ways, from street parties to personal reflections on our heritage and the relationship we have to this great country. Regardless how it was celebrated, it was truly memorable.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of Summer Term.
A View from the Rose Garden
4W enjoyed their time celebrating the King’s Coronation. The children brought board games in to school and had a lovely time playing in small groups.
In PSHE lessons this week we have been discussing all the different ways to stay safe in the sun this summer, although we are still waiting to put all these great suggestions into practice! Ask the children this weekend if they know what SLIP, SLOP, SLAP, SEEK, SLIDE means?
In Art, 4W have been working on their card and wire figures, based on Bath artist Edwina Bridgeman. They painted their card faces and bodies beautifully with watercolour paints and paid great attention to the correct proportions of the face. 4W were surprised to find out that your eyes are halfway between the top of your head and your chin. Twisting the wire to make the hands and legs will be a little more challenging in our next lesson. The children have finished their Sunflower paintings, based on Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. See if you can see them on display around the school.
We are nearing the end of our class reader this term, The Whales’ Song. As part of our planning for descriptive writing, we took a walk up to the woods. The children closed their eyes and focused on the sounds and feelings of the early spring morning.
During DT, 4W used the ICT room to research and gain inspiration for their Jitterbug. They are very much looking forward to getting the coping-saws out next lesson and cracking on with the woodwork aspect of the project.
I am sure you will agree that 4W have been very busy!
Snoops' Diary
by Snoops the Dog
Dear Friends,
In my diary last week, I couldn’t help sharing my excitement about the lead up to the coronation of King Charles. I don’t know about you, but I watched the whole thing on TV, and the concert the following evening.
If you remember, I was also wondering if any dogs would be involved in the parade, and I was subsequently overjoyed to hear that approximately 150 King Charles Cavalier Spaniels would take part in a parade following the coronation procession. The 150 fluffy eared, doe-eyed namesakes of Charles' ancestor, wearing tiaras and red royal cloaks, turned out in force (with their owners). It was a soggy walk but despite the downpour, they had a great time.
Before the dog parade, a group of 300 military veterans known as the Chelsea Pensioners also marched down the King’s Road. Here’s some interesting facts about the King’s Road:
After the road was built in 1694, only the King was allowed to use it when he travelled between his royal residences, St James' Palace and Hampton Court.
Later, members of the aristocracy were allowed to travel down it if they had special tokens bearing the King's initials. It finally became available to the public in 1830.
Over a century later it became a stomping ground for some of the most popular figures in British music and fashion. The Beatles and the Rolling Stones were regulars in the 1960s.
Like the Spaniels in the parade, I had a very soggy coronation day walk along Exmouth seafront, and I have to admit that I didn’t hide my misery about that when I was asked to pose for a photo!
A mouthful of Coronation Chicken certainly put a smile back on my face when I returned to the comfort of a warm, dry kitchen and my cosy dog bed.
Have a great weekend.
Your Friend
Snoops X
Rain with a bit of thunder and lightning!
Mr Guedes' Year 5 tutor group
It has truly been an extremely busy and wet Summer Term so far however, every single child in the tutor group has given their all. They have all embraced all that goes on here, whether in the classroom, getting ready for exams, showing their cricket skills on the field, performing their musical talents or celebrating the King’s Coronation.
This week started with a Bank Holiday, so we officially started the school week on Tuesday… and what a way to begin the school week with a ‘bang of thunder and a flash of lightning’ with plenty of rain falling. With the extreme weather, the children were still able to embrace and take on all challenges and activities on offer.
It is has been incredible being Tutor to this group of children. They have all progressed in every aspect of their lives and I would like to thank them all for making my first year at King’s Hall an exciting and encouraging adventure.
Recent awards
It's great to see our girls loving their #cricket!
Please click here to see the rest of this week's sporting updatesKing's Hall School Shop
Our school shop is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2.30pm - 5pm.
The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing.
For a list of uniform items and shop opening times, please click here
If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.
Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!
Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!