by Justin ChippendaleWell, that was a week, that was!
Mine has included a lot of prospective parent meetings, 36 hours at the Woodard Heads’ annual conference, parents’ evenings, brilliant play performances (one to go), Governors’ meetings and Open Day. For various children it has involved the joyously bouncy Year 6 play (obvs!), sports competitions at various venues including Ipswich, Year 3 up Dunkery Beacon, Year 7 Book Breakfast, Year 5 to Whatley Quarry, Bruce Izzett’s wonderful, tub-thumping Christian band and a large dollop of House Music practice for all.
One result of all that is not as much time to draw out this intro to the Newsletter this week! Suffice to say that there is much to be proud of and a great deal has been learned from a broad range of experiences across a thoroughly rewarding (if tiring) seven days.
Next week is only a tad lighter on the formal diary side of things but, given it is the final week of term, the days in reality are always full of endeavour and activity anyhow. Following that there is some respite with a chance to relax and declutter our minds over Easter but, first, another seven days of reward lie in wait.

This Week in Pre-Prep...
by Claire LuckhurstIn assembly on Monday, I asked the children if they would like to look after a new ‘pet’ I had brought to school. As you can imagine, a host of eager hands shot into the air! However, before revealing the pet, I said there were some things they needed to know as this particular pet can be very demanding and perhaps we should first ask the teachers what they thought. I proceeded to describe the following...
Click below to read the rest of Pelican News
Pelican NewsNext Week....
Please see the School calendar and SOCs for more details and timings
Please note - there are no Prep Hobbies next week, with the exception of Ballet as there will be the usual end of term performance.
Monday 20th
Year 6H & 6T Parent Teacher Meetings

Tuesday 21st

Year 5&6 Book Clubs
3:45-4:30Year 6K Parent Teacher Meetings

Wednesday 22nd

Golden Time, Plus Rewards and Town Time
2.00 – 4.00 pmThursday 23rd

Raising money for the RSPCA - West Hatch Animal Centre
The Pupil Council invite children to get involved in supporting the amazing work of the RSPCA by making a suggested donation of £2 to wear their home clothes to school on Thursday. All funds raised will really make a difference to animals housed locally at West Hatch Animal Centre. Here are a few photos of some of the animals currently at the centre.
Year 8 Book Breakfast

Open Ballet Session
For those children who have been taking Ballet as a hobby this term there is the opportunity for parents to come to watch the session in the Arts Centre during the usual hobby time.
Friday 24th
House Music Competition
10am - 12:30pm - Sports HallAll parents welcome to attend - further details on My School Portal

End of Term - no after school provision or hobbies - 12:30pm finish - we would ask that all children are collected promptly please.

Week commencing 20th MarchIf you require day prep provision for your child Monday to Thursday next week please book them in using the link below. The booking form will close at 9.15am on Monday; if you need to make a late booking or make any changes after this time please let us know by emailing SchoolOffice@kingshalltaunton.co.uk.
If your child uses School transport and you need to make any changes next week please email Transport@kingshalltaunton.co.uk to let us know.
Please note there will be no after school provision on Friday
Day Prep Booking FormBoarding Blog
by Anna Hardy
Busy, busy, busy!
What a week – every day or night this week we have had some occasion or event going on. We have had 8CE out on Monday on a geography field trip, two birthday ‘pizza parties’ (Happy birthday Lucie and Nathan), Year 7 girls away in Ipswich at IAPS netball, Year 5s off to Whatley Quarry, Year 6s performing their play to the school on Wednesday before Thursday and Friday night performances to parents, some older boarders have been helping out backstage, Year 7 and 8 girls played in netball tournaments at Redmaids on Thursday, most of the Year 8 boys played in squash match on Thursday evening, Year 3s off to Exmoor today and just this morning all hands on deck to ensure bedrooms are tidy ready for showing people around on Open Day. Late Thursday evening was a hive of activity in the dining room as late supper was provided for those involved in the play and the IAPS netballers who returned late.
Getting them to shower, wash out hair spray and settle down after such excitement was a little tricky, but there was such a lovely buzz of happy children around the place.
Next week doesn’t look like being any less busy, we will hopefully have a restful, quiet weekend to recharge our batteries – yeah right!
A few words from this term's Deputy Head Girl
Delilah NoyceHi again! Last week was a big week. The 13+ Scholarship students got their results back, so I hope that all who participated had good luck when it came to the results. I went for a Scholarship in art, unfortunately I didn’t get the Scholarship, but I am still happy that I went for it because of the opportunities that having done a Scholarship offers. There were nine of us doing the Scholarship, which included pupils from external schools but I still wish them luck with their results. While some people may not have got the Scholarship, it would have still been worth it because of the doors it opens. Recently there was an IAPS swimming tournament that went on this Tuesday, we have a good swim team and the tournament ended well. The senior girls also had house matches throughout the week, it is nice to compete against your friends in a friendly, slightly competitive netball match and I am proud to say that Bradfield won at least a few of the matches (we have not had the best of luck for a few years now). Have a good weekend!

A View from the Rose Garden
Mrs Gompels' Class
So much has been happening that 3G cannot possibly only mention this week’s goings on! They want to show off their favourite books from World Book Day (see photo) while crossing all fingers and toes to see if a child in 3G might win the ‘mini-book’ competition. They loved discovering who stole those Percy Pigs during last week while using all their STEM skill. This week 3G watched the Year 6 play and laughed their socks off during much of it! House singing practices are going well too and I am told by one child that they may even have a starring role in their House song. Roll on next week, we cannot wait to see the final performances.
Snoops' Diary
by Snoops the Dog

Dear Friends
Oh my goodness, chapel; it was so exciting, wasn’t it? Oh sorry parents (and other miscellaneous friends) you don’t know what I’m talking about! Ask your children about Bruce and his band. It’s the second time they’ve visited this school year, and they put on another spectacular performance. Bruce and his brother are from Zimbabwe and they have formed an awesome Christian band.
I bet if you ask one of your little hoomans to sing, Makanaka, they’ll be able to. It’s a very catchy song from Africa.
This is the chorus:
Mwari makanaka
Ishe Jesu, Ishe Jesu
Mwari makanaka
Ishe Jesu, Ishe Jesu
In tutor time, the Year 3 children listened to the song again and again, and couldn’t help but dance to it. It’s just one of those catchy songs that gets into your bones. I joined in too, of course, and you should see my fluffy wiggle. I bet you didn’t realise what a disco dog I am!
The other exciting news that was revealed this morning, was the result of the STEM investigation. It was of course, ‘The Mystery of the Missing Percy Pigs’; Mrs Cole’s Percy Pigs! I’ve been slightly worried all week that I might be under investigation and subsequently accused of stealing them. I have, after all, got a reputation for being the school ‘super hoover’. Anyway, let’s just say that, although there was a suspect in Year 5, none of your little treasures were found to be guilty. It was a member of staff; can you believe that?
You might be forming your own opinions about the school criminal. However, if you’re checking in at reception, and you have either sweets or treats on your person, here’s a handy hint: take care!
On that note, I’ll let you make your own assumptions and form your own investigative thoughts!!
Your forever friend
Snoops X

Mr Morgan's Tutor Group
Year 8It was a pleasure recently to receive news of the various scholarships awarded by King’s College, and to observe the pupils feeling that their effort and dedication over the last few years were well worth it. I also hope that our frequent tutor group discussions on current affairs and important events were helpful in preparing the pupils for any interviews they may have had as part of the scholarship process.
In our PSHE lessons over the last few weeks our topic has been SRE (Sex & Relationships Education). Understandably, this is not an easy topic for some pupils to engage with, but my fellow tutors and I have been delighted with the mature approach that they have adopted. There has been some very thoughtful discussion taking place and excellent, valid questions that have come out of that. A very worthwhile learning experience for all.
As a tutor group we watched a short Newsround film recently that followed the lives of some children in Ukraine who were striving to continue their school routines in very trying circumstances. I was particularly pleased with the empathy shown by the group towards these children and the appreciation that they had for the very different lives they are currently leading compared to ours.
As the Easter holiday approaches, I hope the 8S pupils will enjoy a very well-deserved holiday and also that the Common Entrance pupils will find a balance between a good rest and some preparation for their upcoming external examinations.
Academic Life

DT students have been having a fantastic time exploring different areas in DT. This term, the students have participated in a variety of exciting activities. STEM week was a particular highlight, during which the children built 3D printed robots and solved CSI clues in the science department. In the DT department, the students have been busy cooking up a storm with savoury and sweet treats, learning about mechanisms through an Automata project, and building passive amplifiers with Year 8 using a range of timbers.
The Year 5 students have been busy building their very own arcade games, using electronic circuits, and have shown great enthusiasm and creativity throughout the process. Meanwhile, Year 4 and 3 students have been building mechanical birds using hand tools and sewing fantastic felt creations by hand. These projects have allowed students to develop their problem-solving skills, as well as their creativity and ingenuity.
Year 7 have been investigating the plots against Elizabeth I and in particular the Babington Plot which used coded messages sent by Mary Queen of Scots to, catholic, Anthony Babington smuggled in beer barrels. In class this week pupils used the same code to create and decipher messages for their partner’s. King's Hall history department doing its bit to sculpt the next 007!

Geography Field Trip
8CE River StudyOn Monday morning when I was woken early by the sound of rain hammering against the window, I was a little concerned about whether we would still be going out for the day at all. We all proved to be true geographers and took on the challenge whatever the weather, it made me think of something I was once told; “there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing”. Thankfully the children had all followed instructions and were all suitably prepared and equipped to take on the elements.
When we arrived at Dead Woman’s Ditch at the top of the Quantock Hills, it was a little blustery, but we were soon out of the wind as we headed down into Holford Combe to find the source of our river. The aim was to see how a river changes from the source to the mouth, so the children made observations, drew sketches and got into the river to take various measurements. They were testing 3 hypotheses:
- The river gets deeper and wider from the source to the mouth.
- The velocity of the river increases in the lower course.
- The water is deeper and faster on the outside bend of a meander.
The groups worked well throughout the day to collect data in order to prove or disprove these statements. Our day concluded at the mouth on Kilve Beach. The children had some time to explore the rock pools, search for fossils and fall over multiple times on the slippery rocks! The sign of a great day was lots of tired, muddy and wet children – all of whom had plenty of data to analyse and write up back in school. The Fieldwork Enquiry makes up 20% of the final grade will achieve in Common Entrance Geography.
News from the Library...

Year 4 Book Club
This term's award winning Year 4 book club read was Loki: A Bad God’s Guide to Being Good by Louie Stowell. The children were given an insight into Norse mythology but it also made for some pretty thought-provoking discussions during book club this week. In the book Loki has been banished to Earth and must show moral improvement to return to Asgard. The children determined what their own virtue scores would be, as well as the criteria they believed made a good deed. We pondered the thorny issue of whether honesty was always the best policy through the medium of the game 2 truths and a lie. However, perhaps the most contentious issue of the session was if the Earth fare sampled by Loki in the book, such as ‘Weetos’ breakfast cereal and baconless bacon crisps, was more delicious than the heavenly Ambrosia they sampled!
Sports Update

Somerset Club Hockey
Well done to an awful lot of King's Hall children who have had some serious club hockey successes recently including becoming County Champions in several cases.
Please click below to see this week's sporting updates via our King's Hall Sport Twitter feed.
King's Hall Sport TwitterUpcoming events...

Spaces available - Pony Trekking Trip
9th-14th July 2023We still have a few spaces available for the pony trekking trip to Llangorse Multi Activity Centre which is situated near to Brecon. It is taking place during the July summer holidays. Riding takes place in the arena, in fields and on the mountains.
Please contact Mrs McDermott if you are interested in joining.

Walker's Academy Performing Arts Camp - 'Matilda' 5-11 Years
11-13 AprilFor school years Reception to Year 6
Join workshops from the world famous Matilda film and stage show. The programme will include learning songs, dances, staging and acting for castings from Matilda, delivered by the Walker's Performing Arts Academy. Train with working industry professionals from TV, film and theatre, and take part in a fun Acting for Camera and Casting workshop with a professional cameraman from Clockwise Films. Learn new skills in dance, drama and singing whilst growing in confidence, having fun and being creative. No experience necessary, just the passion and focus to embrace Performing Arts.
The workshops will run for three days at £195 per child, or there is the option to book two days or less for £75 per day.
Payments need to be made online via BACS
Further informationKING'S HALL SCHOOL SHOP
Our school shop is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2.30pm - 5pm
The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing. For a list of uniform items, shop opening times and payment details, please click the links below:
Nursery and Pre-prep
If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website
Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!
Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!