by Justin ChippendaleSuddenly, I find myself putting together the last HEADlines of the year as next week’s Newsletter will be largely pictorial.
There is a mood of transition in the air whilst still wishing to stay firmly in the present: the clichéd image of Janus looking forward and back at the same time. There is much in the week ahead to enjoy now, yet as we look ahead at different levels to auspicious beginnings, we also reflect on the memories and events that have brought us to this point.
Evidence of past, present and future is all around us at this point in the cycle. Today, as an example, we have a good number of children here who are joining us in September and it has been good to see how readily they have joined the throng and next week includes several events for those making transitions, particularly Year 8, of course.
Year 8 do become our focus as we head to the last day of term. You probably know that one event they are constructing is busily putting together plans for their charity fête next Tuesday and you should find some information about this in the Newsletter. There should be a link to their cause and how you can support them - as a reward for your donation towards Year 8’s efforts your children will enjoy the fête itself.
So, whilst having half an eye peeking at the horizon, there is still plenty to keep us in the moment next week as we write the last sentence to this academic year and I hope to see you at Prize Day on Friday morning when we drop in the final full stop. Do get your picnics organised and keep fingers crossed for some fine weather.

This Week in Pre-Prep...
by Claire LuckhurstIt has been a long day for our Year 2 children today as they have watched the clock hands tick by on the countdown towards the ‘Big Sleepover’ tonight. To say they are excited is somewhat of an understatement, but I am sure they are going to have lots of fun as we celebrate the end of their Pre-Prep journey with laughter, silliness and games.
Pelican NewsA reminder that there are no after-school hobbies/activities next week.
Year 8 Charity Fête
Year 8 have been working hard towards the Fête, which takes place next Tuesday afternoon.
Each year, Year 8 children select a charity to support and this year they have chosen ARC, a local homeless charity which provides accommodation, jobs and outreach support for the homeless in Taunton.
Last year's Year 8 were fortunate to raise over £1000 for their nominated charity and I know that this year's Year 8 would love to raise a similar amount. Please note that, like last year, the Fête is just for children and no money should be brought in. Please give via the link below – why not click it now and make a donation?
Prize Day takes place in the morning of Friday and all Prep children are required to attend.
Following the formalities, families are encouraged to bring a picnic to enjoy on the Front Field as a final, social gathering together before heading into the summer holidays.
The Friends of King’s Hall and some Year 8 parents are organising two cricket matches where Year 8 children take on their parents; if you are spectating be aware of the game as the ball is hard and can at any time travel at speed over the boundary towards you!
9.30 am
Day children arrive
9.45 am
Sports Hall
Parents and friends take their seats
10.00 am
Speeches and Prizegiving
11.00 am
Coffee break
11.45 am
Summer Concert
12.45 pm
Woodard Room
Farewell drinks for Year 8 parents and pupils
12.45 pm
South Field
Picnic Lunches
2.00 pm
Summer Term ends
Summer Camps
Swimming Lessons
Walker's Academy
Woodland Adventures

One to One Swimming Lessons in King's College Pool
7 -11 AugustThis week it was the turn of Year 7 to head off ...
... to Morzine, an Alpine village set deep in the Chablais mountain range, between Lake Geneva and Mont Blanc, by the France-Switzerland border. You can read all about their visit in next week's newsletter.
More news from last week's Arts Week
A magical author ...
What a magical experience Carnegie-nominated children's author Rachel Delahaye gave us. Her inspiring whole school presentation sparkled with enthusiasm and passion for writing children’s books. She encouraged us all to think of ourselves as story tellers and to embrace boredom as a greenhouse for our writing creativity.
Many of the children were lucky enough to meet her in person and have their own copy of one of her 30 books signed. Throughout the day quite a few pupils could be spotted dipping into their new reads around the school – it was clear Rachel managed to cast her reading for pleasure spell far and wide.
The numerous workshops many of the children attended throughout the day were also pure magic. The children magicked up 3D characters and elaborate backstories. They learnt how to write stories using the “What if?” spell. Older pupils practiced conjuring with dark comedy to entertain rather than petrify their audiences.
Then, in a puff of smoke, Rachel was gone… but I think we would all agree she left a little of her magic with us all!
A Midsummer Night's Dream
What a magical and fantastical treat the Year 4 play was. It was a production full of characterful parts and the children really did Shakespeare proud. There was Puck and the fairies, alongside Oberon and Titania, twinkling across the stage or resting in the boughs of the Magnolia. The Dukes and lovers made us weep and cry with laughter from one scene to the next. The donkey and mechanicals were so endlessly entertaining and gave the production such a deep sense of fun and playfulness that it was a delight from start to finish.
A huge achievement for all and well done once again to the relentlessly brilliant Mrs Keirle and her backstage crew and helpers for bringing such a wonderful story to life.
A huge thank you to all of the staff involved ... we are already looking forward to next year!
Hakuna Matata
To complete their year of drama at King’s Hall, Year 8 travelled to Bristol on Wednesday afternoon to experience a fabulous well known theatrical masterpiece ‘The Lion King’.
They all had an amazing time watching an excellent cast, listening to marvellous music and watching movement, puppetry and mechanics to dazzle the eyes. The opening number of the ‘Circle of Life’ makes the audience know they are in for something special and the huge elephants moving through the aisle showed the level of expertise the cast had at operating their animals.
Year 8 certainly will remember their last theatre trip at King’s Hall and I am sure they will continue to enjoy and reap the rewards of seeing shows long into the future.
As part of their Science course work, Year 5 recently visited Paignton Zoo.
The focus of their work has been adaptation and the children looked at many examples of this in the animal kingdom. Unfortunately some of the animals in the Zoo are there because they have been unable to adapt to sudden changes in their environment, caused by the destruction of their habitat and, in some cases, a whole ecosystem.
The children also had a talk from one of the keepers on the giant tortoises, and how they had managed to survive on a remote island without falling prey to the sailors who would capture living tortoises and load them aboard their ships – fresh meat of any kind was a rare treat for sailors during long voyages in warm climates.
The children were also treated to a spectacular example of a bird that has adapted to the human environment ... a seagull that waited by the ice cream stall and outdoor seating area for the group to arrive before taking a sandwich and part of an ice cream!
Last Monday, Year 8 excitedly headed off to Ultimate Adventure North Devon for the week!

We all left school at 10.00am, excited for the week ahead. When we arrived at the Ultimate Adventure Centre in North Devon we had a packed lunch and we went to put our bags in our dorms. After that some of the instructors took us up to the woods and we began building a den and learning how to make a fire. We then went back to the main centre for a quiz which was full of really fun questions.
After breakfast we split into two groups. One group did archery and the other orienteering; then we swapped. After lunch, we stayed in our two groups. One group went on a shopping trip to some local shops which was really fun, whilst the other group did problems and puzzles at the centre. In the evening we had fun at the Big Sheep which is a big indoor play area and there were fun death slides which we got to go on.

We went to Westward Ho! where we did an amazing assault course. We also did a bit of shopping and stand up paddle boarding. After we finished at the beach, we had a long walk back to the centre which took around two and half hours. In the evening we had fun on the water assault course.
We went to the beach again and did some shopping and swimming in the sea. In the afternoon we played frisbee golf, ultimate frisbee and touch rugby. We also went to a lake and did kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding which was super fun.

We were all sad to leave after such a fun week. Before we left, though, we had time to go to the high ropes course, and we also did a climbing wall. After a picnic lunch we left for home.
We had an amazing time together, eating great food, enjoying the sun and being with our friends.
All in all, a very memorable trip.
Boarding Blog
There have been lots of fun things happening this week!
Taster nights! On Monday we welcomed Year 5s and on Tuesday Year 6s. It was so lovely to have some new faces in the boarding house, both nights were so much fun. Rustic pizzas and delicious BBQs were enjoyed for supper, and there was lots of time to play on the field in the evening sunshine. Thank you to those who joined us, we really enjoyed having you and hope to see you back in boarding soon!
Year 8 returned from their week away in Devon with lots of stories to tell - they all had a fabulous time! Then this Wednesday they went to the Bristol Hippodrome to watch the Lion King and are now getting stuck into fête organisation ready for next week, it’s looking to be a great afternoon!
Year 7 left for Morzine super early on Saturday morning, I can assure you the excitement was making up for any lack of sleep! We are missing them and Miss Barclay, but we hear they are having a wonderful trip and we can’t wait to hear all about it. Safe travels back to school.
So much still to look forward to before the end of term, it’s going to be busy! Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Miss Chippendale
A few words from this term's Deputy Head Girls...
Hello, we are Sienna and Erin, the Deputy Head Girls this term.
Recently, we finished our Common Entrance exams and received our grades, which everyone in Year 8 should be proud of.
On Monday, Year 8 visited King’s College for an induction day. Our day consisted of an orienteering activity around the school campus, a tour of the school, and some fun induction lessons like psychology, where we learnt about our brains, MFL and History, where we learnt about the history of medicine. We were also able to tour our new boarding houses and make some new friends.
On Tuesday, Sienna played a cricket festival against Queen’s and Exeter whilst Erin prepared for her Speech and Drama VANGARD exam.
On Wednesday, we visited the Bristol Hippodrome and watched the touring West End production of The Lion King. We think the cast were amazing and loved that we were able to have the opportunity to watch it.
On Thursday, Sienna took part in the county cricket final, where she performed extremely well. Also, Erin had her Speech and Drama exam.
On Friday, we continued planning for our Y8 fête by creating posters and planning how we are going to manage our stalls.
We hope everybody enjoys the final week of school, full of fun activities, as well as their Summer holidays. We will miss King’s Hall a lot, but we are thankful for our time here.
Mrs Naum's Year 6 tutor group
Mrs Naum’s tutor group have been spending this week a little nostalgically, recounting all of the brilliant activities they took part in over Arts Week. Channah represented us admirably in the High Jinx Magic show by randomly choosing a bonkers-looking Lego man made up of a policeman’s head, a pirate body and tiger legs… only for that exact character to appear on a poster she was already holding! Great job Channah. We also loved watching the Year 4 play and it brought back many happy memories of being on the stage in our Roald Dahl extravaganza earlier in the year. It was truly magic!
As a tutor group we are missing one of our members, Theo, who is having the time of life touring around Europe with his family at the moment. We have been receiving postcards and emails from countries all over Eurpoe; we love hearing about all of his adventures. Happy travels to Theo and family!
One of the highlights of this week was the Year 5/Year 6 Biathle on Wednesday. Many of our tutor group love to be sporty and compete, so this was bags of fun for us. The weather also held off and luckily, they only got wet in the pool! Well done to all for taking part in such a rewarding afternoon.
Alba, who is all too familiar with the Biathle format is heading off to Germany next week to represent GB in the European Biathle Championships for U13 girls – what an amazing experience for her and we wish her all the best!
A View from the Rose Garden
Year 4 Book Club
The Raven Riddle
Year 4 undertook the perilous mission of discussing this term’s Book Club read The Raven Riddle. With their suspiciously lolly shaped stun sticks the children thrashed out their opinions on this fast-paced adventure by award winning author Vashti Hardi.
Inspired by the crime fighting clockwork raven of the book who is insulted when a character describes a group of ravens as a ‘gang’ instead of their correct name “An unkindness of ravens”, Year 4 devised their own collective noun. Suggestions included: “A giggle of Year 4s”, “An abomination of Year 4s” and “A whiff of Year 4s” – the latter clearly from a pupil who has spent time in the boys’ changing rooms after rugby!
They also investigated how we should not pre-judge others, how we should keep trying when we are underestimated, as well as creating their own ideas for gadgets to save the world from needles to sew up the Ozone layer to vehicles that turn food waste into fuel. It’s clear they have all the wit, skill, and courage to take on any future mission the librarian assigns them!
School Garden Dig
After pulling out the plants the Year 4 children thought it was like a treasure hunt as they kept unearthing more and more potatoes from the small plot. Recently we have also been able to harvest garlic, a few onions, salad leaves and radishes, all of which has made its way into the school kitchens. Many thanks go to Mr Roe, for the fantastic growing medium that we have been able to use in the raised beds.
Snoops' Diary
by Snoops the Dog
Dear Friends,
Just a quickie this week folks, as it’s all about pictures; pictures of me!
As you hoomans say, “A picture paints a thousand words”.
My pictures speak many thousands, and I love them. All credit goes to my little team of Snoops Doggie Care admirers.
See what you think. They’re all portraits of me, and made from leaves, branches, petals etc.
Have a lovely weekend.
Your Friend
Snoops X
Sports News
King's Hall School Shop
Our school shop is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2.30pm - 5pm.
The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing.
For a list of uniform items and shop opening times, please click here
If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.
Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!
Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!