by Justin ChippendaleThe mid-point of the second half of term has arrived and we vacate the premises this weekend as the Rural Living Show moves in. The biblical amounts of rain recently have certainly fed into our British need to discuss the weather and it does feel, sadly, as if this is going to be one of the less good years for the front field. Experience suggests it usually recovers over the winter and we don’t use it much in the months ahead.
I have been back and forth to the College recently and, as ever, it is good to come across children who were at the Prep between five years and five months ago. The other thing growing at the College is the Sixth Form Centre which is entering its final stages and will be in use some time next term. This will not only be an incredible addition to the Sixth Form experience directly but have a huge indirect benefit across the school as other areas are repurposed as appropriate departments move into the new build.
This little break in proceedings includes the First Sunday in Advent so the Christmas clock is well and truly ticking. We shall be sending you information to help with events ahead, including our Carol Service, which all Prep children are expected to attend, on Sunday 11 December at 5.30pm in the College Chapel.
Have a good weekend.

This Week in Pre-Prep...
by Claire LuckhurstI am delighted to announce we raised a wonderful £176 for Children in Need last week! Thank you for your support and donations.
This week has seen Year 1 and Year 2 venture out of school to Tiverton Museum and Carymoor Environmental Centre respectively to enhance their learning in the classroom. Children (and staff) returned from both trips with an air of happy exhaustion which is exactly what one hopes to see! The staff were really proud of how well the children behaved on the trips and impressed the staff at the locations with their courteous manners, super questions and fantastic knowledge. Nursery are heading out for a special festive trip next week and Reception follow on a week later with a trip to ‘Bethlehem’! It is truly lovely to be able to provide these wonderful experiences for the children and I must thank the staff for all the ‘behind-the-scenes' work that goes into organising them!
Please click here to read the rest of this week's Pelican News
King's Hall had the most fantastic week at the 108th Taunton Drama Festival
The standard of performance was very high, and every one of our pupils performed wonderfully and represented the school beautifully.
113 pupils, ranging from Reception to Year 8 performed at the event, getting up on to the stage to present their poem, acting scene, prepared reading, mime or improvisation that has been worked on in Speech & Drama lessons over the course of this term.
50 pupils won first, second and third placings in various classes, which is a fantastic achievement and all of these pupils proudly brought a shiny new medal or cup back to King's Hall.
Huge congratulations to everyone who took part and many thanks to all of the parents for their support in the lead up to the Taunton Drama Festival and their immense and continued support to King's Hall Speech & Drama!
Photos from the Festival ResultsThank you to all our pupils, parents and colleagues who supported the Book Fair on Monday
We had one of our most successful ones to date and the commission created means we will be able to purchase over 100 additional books to further enhance our libraries.
It was Mrs Naum’s (Head of English) first book fair at King’s Hall and she commented that it was wonderful to see the buzz around books that the fair had created and to observe the children really considering what made a good book in their eyes as they decided how best to spend their pennies.
International evidence indicates that reading for pleasure, of which selecting your own books is a constituent, is associated with increased confidence in reading, greater engagement with learning, and better learning outcomes (Mullis et al., 2017; OECD, 2019). So, having given your child the opportunity to choose their own books at the fair on Monday really will lead to positive consequences.
A final shout-out of thanks to the staff in the office for all their help with the book fair and its associated admin – without them these events are just not possible.
Thank you to everyone who supported this event to make it amazing!
Coming up ...
Please see the School Calendar on the Portal and SOCs for more details and timings
Upcoming Events
Festive Barn Dance - Friday 2 December
Please join the Friends of King's Hall School with all the family for a live band with dad-dancing (of course)!
Places are limited.
Friday 2 December, 6pm - 9pm
The Arts Centre
Tickets £10 adults / £5 children (up to Year 8)
All profits to the Nelson Trust
Bring your own refreshments and the dress code is 'festive western'
Tickets can be booked online through the Portal with the cost being added to your school bill (please go to the School Diary, find the Festive Barn Dance event and then click on Book Now).
Please note that all adults and children attending will need a ticket; when you have made your booking you will receive a confirmation email but there is no need to print anything as there will be a list of names on the ‘door’.
Day Prep
Week commencing 28th November
If you require day prep provision next week for your child/ren please book using the link below. The booking form will close at 9am on Monday; if you need to make a late booking or make any changes after this time please let us know by emailing SchoolOffice@kingshalltaunton.co.uk.
If your child uses School transport and you need to make any changes please email Transport@kingshalltaunton.co.uk to let us know.
Day Prep Booking FormMoana JR
Another successful musical at King's Hall!

As the set is dismantled and the costumes tidied away, the catchy tune of ’Shiny' and ’You’re Welcome’ continue to be sung by all who watched the senior prep school production. The younger children pretend to be Maui and Moana sailing their boats across the Rose Garden and others remember with a smile the wonderful show they had the pleasure to see.
At King’s Hall we continually choose productions which encourage our children to take on challenges and really show the best that they can be. Moana Jr brought together Year 8, and several keen Year 7s, to achieve an amazing musical which definitely had the Wow factor.
From the moment they auditioned in June to the night of the final performance in November, every child grew and developed in so many ways. For the Year 8s, this was the first time they had properly been on stage since Year 4, having missed out on a Year 6 play due to Covid. The standard of their acting, singing and dancing grew in leaps and bounds along with their creativity and imagination but as the weeks progressed it was evident that the key learning from this production and in fact from participating in any form of drama has been the development of skills that the children most need in the future, in their careers – the transferable life skills such as bravery, teamwork, collaboration, commitment, resilience, focus, discipline, courage, determination and confidence.
Moana Jr transported us into the rich world of Oceania. Motunui is a fictional island, but it is inspired by the cultures and peoples of the Pacific Islands. The audience followed the story of strong-willed Moana as she found the courage and strength to sail across the Pacific to save her village and discover the truth about her heritage.
With respect for the culture of the Pacific Islanders, the costumes were created by a dedicated team of parents using traditional fabrics and designs and the cast looked amazing. The beautiful backdrop of tropical leaves and flowers painted by Mrs Aladin and several artistic pupils along with the Polynesian boat made by our expert carpenter Mr Short, really set the scene for the cast to tell the beautiful story of Moana.
We pride ourselves on choosing the right pupils for the roles in the productions at King’s Hall and the cast of Moana was excellent.
Having three Moanas who appeared in sequence throughout the play was a success as each Moana was very talented and played their part to their strengths in singing and acting. No one can forget the song ’How Far I’ll Go’ sung so beautifully by Annie and accompanied by the wonderful Ocean Ensemble who created visual ocean waves with material fans and material strips. Ffion the second Moana delighted the audience with her humour and natural ability on stage with the fantastic crab Tamatoa played with confidence and flair by Frankie and her claws Thomas and Chris. Lizzy as the final Moana wowed the audience with her strong acting and determination to fight Te Ka who was portrayed by Isobel along with Roger operating a huge mask to represent the evil creature. Maui, who was confidently played by James, was instantly liked by all due to his charisma, mannerisms, clear expressive voice and ability to draw the audience into the story and believe in the adventure.
All the main characters from the loveable caring Gramma played by Kate, the fun pig and chicken friends of Moana, Pua (Natasha) and Hei Hei (Tilly), Chief and Sina (Henry and Tabitha) and the singing, narrating ancestors (Delilah, Grace and Barnie) told the story with vibrancy. The ensembles were key to the show, dancing and singing. Several songs were in Oceanic languages - Samoan and Tokelauan. Choreography was complex and eye catching. Lighting and special effects made the Gate Monsters look fabulous and Tamotoa’s lair glowed with fluorescent paint and shininess. One of the most memorable scenes was ’Shiny’ with glow sticks illuminating the stage and the actors having a ball!
Backstage a team of Year 8 worked tirelessly behind the scenes on props, set, lights and sound. The skills learnt by this hidden team were invaluable and they all loved being part of the overall team, without the pressures of appearing on stage.
The cast, under the skilled direction of Mrs Keirle, musical direction of the very talented Mr Dayus-Jones and the modern technical direction of Mr Eyers certainly achieved a musical production which will go down on the long list of memorable shows at King’s Hall.

Would you like to purchase a ‘Shiny stick’ used by the Shiny ensemble in the musical Moana?
If you would, they will be on sale on Monday for 50p each.
Come and get one from Mrs Keirle and sing ‘Shiny’ to your hearts content!
Money raised will be used for future drama props.
Boarding Blog
by Anna Hardy
Pottery Painting and Practising!
After a very busy week, the children had a relaxing weekend.
On Saturday there were very few matches, so after a morning making reindeer cupcakes, playing badminton and basketball, squash at the College or horse riding the children had chance to chill out and recharge their batteries. This still involved games on the Astro and playing Twister amongst other things.
On Sunday morning we headed off to The Pottery Workshop in Honiton. The children chose their pieces to paint and then set about painting them with such concentration and skill – this activity brought out a calmness and tranquility in the children that was very relaxing and lovely to see. The staff running the workshop were so complimentary of the children’s behaviour and manners, they truly are a joy to take out in public and are always such a credit to themselves and the school.
Before supper, the children started working in their groups to put together their dances for the Boarders' Feast - watch this space! Sunday suppers are always a highlight for me - I love seeing them all sat together chatting away about some very random things.
With exeat this weekend, I hope everyone has a restful time away from school, before we come back and get ready for Christmas – not long now!!
A View from the Rose Garden
Mrs Gompels' Year 3 Class
Christmas has arrived a little earlier than usual in 3G as two Ukraine shoe boxes have already appeared – well done Liberti. We are also beginning our Nativity assembly rehearsals. Think happy children, elves, goblins, evil Snow Queen and, of course, Father Christmas who this year will be represented by not one, not two but three children - such is our desire to fulfil role wishes and capture the spirit of Christmas love. We are learning lines, remembering actions and learning some moves in drama to help our play be peppered with magic fairy dust come the actual performance.
Three is also an important number in maths this week as we work out how to divide a quantity into thirds and in doing so revise the multiples of 3.
Oh and just for good measure, here’s a festive three joke....
Snoops' Diary
by Snoops the Dog
Dear Friends,
Last week I started my diary by talking about the grubby weather. I’m obviously a quintessentially English dog because I’m going to mention it again; albeit briefly. Yuck!
Another week of wet dog and now that I’m 5 years old I’ve learned that most hoomans aren’t terribly keen on the smell of wet dog. Remember however, that us four legged types tend to have a much keener sense of smell, and I can tell you that wet human isn’t that fragrant either!
Luckily however, the munchkin sized hoomans don’t mind wearing their full wet weather gear to take me out for a walk.
The other great thing about the little guys is that half the time they are engaged in high energy, bouncy fun and the other half, they are conked out. It great to get the balance right because a busy hound like myself needs to recharge with the odd daytime nap.
I think you’ll get the warm fuzzies when you look at the sneaky photo that Mrs Masters took of me and a little one.
On that note have an energetic weekend but enjoy the cuddly, snoozy-woozy bits too.
Your friend
Snoops X
A Few Words From.....
Tabitha Thompson, this term's Head Girl
Last week it was the Year 8’s play Moana. After so many weeks of rehearsing it finally came together. What an amazing feeling it was performing on stage. Everybody’s hair and costumes looked fantastic. On Thursday evening, when my grandad arrived home from watching the play, my granny told me he was singing “You're welcome!”
On Friday there is a schools’ shooting competition at Leweston School and we have a King's Hall team going. We have 10 shots at a target which is 10 metres away using a gun with pellets. On Sunday we also have teams attending the schools' Biathlon competition. This involves separate phases of running and swimming. Good luck to everyone taking part.
It is starting to feel a little bit Christmassy! In assembly we are practicing some of the Christmas Carols for the Carol Service. In Taunton the Christmas lights are on and we can see them every morning as it is still dark when we drive to school! The Christmas tree looks fantastic with two massive presents beneath it!
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Mrs McDermott's Tutor Group
Our Michaelmas Term ...
Last year’s tutor group were always going to be a hard act to follow, but this year’s group are equally good fun. They are generally very busy, with many playing sports and being active outside of school.
Last weekend, was no exception, with;
Muriel riding Dolly at the King’s Equestrian Centre;
TJ playing Golf at Oake Manor;
Teddy playing hockey for Taunton Vale against Wellington Foxes;
Alex riding Brook, her bay pony;
Izzie riding at Drake’s Farm and going for a 4 hour dog walk.
Ella also went on a long walk and met up with an old school friend.
Both Helen and Wilbur visited relatives;
Zoe went to the Winter festival in Taunton for the Christmas lights switch on;
Isabella went Christmas shopping
and Daisy visited Hestercombe for their Christmas market.
Talk in the tutor room has started to mention the dreaded ‘E’ word and revision, with only a week and a half to go until the Michaelmas exams. As ever, I am sure the children will prepare themselves well and appreciate the experience in the long run.
Last week we looked at the make up of Parliament and how it has developed over the years and in PSHE we have been studying the effects of smoking on the body and discussing why people might choose to smoke.
The weather has been quite fickle this term and we’ve gone from happy days playing football on the front field in the sunshine to several recent wet breaks – where completing an interactive jigsaw puzzle on the whiteboard was great fun.
Christmas is looming and Secret Santa gifts are about to be bought. Christmas parties are being planned – the tutors favourite afternoon of the year ……… ?
This week's Sport round-up
U10 Rugby Festival
What a beautiful morning we had for the Under 10 rugby festival at Queen’s College. The boys had a terrific experience and gave their all in every match they played showing how far they have all come, individually and as a team – they can all be extremely proud of their efforts.
It was incredible to see Sonny being courageous in the runs that he made. Then you had Charlie, who doing his best in either making a tackle or being brave in wanting the ball. Austin showed his speed and strength when he went on a few tremendous runs and broke through tackles. Valder made outrageous tackles to stop a try being scored by the opposition. Henry was awarded the most improved player of the festival, as he made incredible tackles and terrific gains when he ran with ball. Edward showed marvellous skills and courage to score one of the best tries that I have seen at his age group. Thomas got the best player of the tournament as he showed an excellent committed in every match he played, he would make try saving tackles and score a few tries for the team. Unfortunately, Isaac and Jack could not be there - they would have been a fantastic addition to all the matches that the team played.
Thank you to all the parents for showing their wonderful support at the festival and encouraging their children to do their best.
U13 IAPS National Football Tournament
Our U13 boys qualified for the IAPS National football tournament at Culford School. We love playing football in after school hobbies and during Saturday Morning Activities, however, the teams that we had beaten in the Regional Qualifier (hosted by Moulsford School, Oxford) and the teams we were expecting to play at the Nationals all play football instead of rugby.
The team definitely rose to the occasion, starting off with back-to-back wins, followed by a draw and a loss in the group stages. We were through to the final eight best schools!
We faced Hazlewood School and at full-time the score was 0-0, and this was unchanged after extra time, leading to penalties. Sadly, this is where our journey ended and our opponents went on to win the tournament with two clear wins. We can take a lot of positivity away from these results.
The team was made up of Rafe McD (c), Eddie C, Archie S, Theo L, Nick W, Jack H, Chris B, Jack P and two boys from Y7 Harry P and Theo H. They should all be very proud of their achievements – well done boys!

For more Sport news...
Christmas shoeboxes for Ukraine
The Pupil Council invites you to participate in Christmas Shoe boxes for Ukraine. The idea is to pack a shoebox with new toys for a child and wrap it up in christmas paper, put a label on the front noting the age group suitability of the contents. Then please bring the completed wrapped boxes to school for the attention of Mrs Foster. Here are a few ideas of what you might like to put in the box:
Toys: e.g stuffed teddies, interactive games, skipping rope, fidget toys
Hygeine items: e.g hairbrush, toothbrush, packaged bar of soap, compact mirror, sanitary products
School supplies: e.g pencils, pens, pencil case, crayons, notebooks, stickers
or other essentials such as gloives, hats, sunglasses.
Thank you in advance of your kindness towards this worthy cause.
Watch this space for.....
The Return of 'Elf'is

Woodlands Adventure December Camp
19th-23rd DecemberWoodlands Adventure is a holiday club with a difference. It takes place in our own woods at King’s Hall, so there are no televisions, computers or iPads, just fresh air, friends and a whole lot of fun!
Find out more about our fantastic camp on offer during December for children aged 3 to 13 by clicking ther link below.
Our school shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing.
For a list of uniform items, shop opening times and payment details, please click the links below:
Nursery and Pre-prep
If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.
Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!
Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!