by Justin ChippendaleIn the last week or so the site has come into its own with day after day of clear skies! Outdoor activities have been plentiful – a really good antidote to exams for many last week – and to see the fields and outdoor spaces rammed with children in the likes of science lessons, play rehearsals, reading sessions, break times and, of course, sports ranging from croquet to cricket has been wonderful. This really is a special space, most particularly in these conditions.
I have many children talking about outdoor activities at home, too, including barefoot walks up rivers, the confidence to have a barbecue and some camping in the garden. With a week away from school routine there will be plenty of chance for all that wonderful wholesome happenings and good old family frolics into the long evenings.
Combining the sunshine with a weekend can mean travel challenges. Throw in a Bank Holiday as well as half term week and the M5 might be quite interesting tomorrow - guess who is due to collect their son from Birmingham Uni as he packs up his stuff at the end of another year?!
As well as time to enjoy the break and weather, it is also an important time for a good rest before what will be a brilliant, but high-speed month, to close out the year. See you on the other side.

This Week in Pre-Prep...
by Claire LuckhurstWhat a glorious final week we have enjoyed bringing the first half of summer term to an end. Not only has the sun shone to enable a few dips in the swimming pool and every playtime on the field, we have also hosted a sunny Stay and Play session in Reception and a Window of Learning event in Year 1. Year 2 also enjoyed the challenge of an additional Sports Day with Years 3 and 4 on Monday afternoon which forms part of supporting their transition to Prep in September.
Pelican NewsSchool Calendar
Please check the Portal and SOCs for details and timings of what is happening this term
After half-term ...

Common Entrance examinations
starting Tuesday 6thYear 6 trip to Cosmeston Medieval Village
Tuesday 6th

Year 7 trip to Paignton Zoo
Tuesday 6thYear 3 trip to North Curry
Wednesday 7th

Year 7 Book Club Breakfast
Thursday 8thYear 5 trip to Paignton Zoo
Friday 9th
Exmoor Challenge 2023
Last Saturday, full of excitement and some trepidation, the children set off ...
In preparation, the children had completed practice walks on the Quantock Hills, from Horner to Dunkery Beacon (and back again) and then, finally, a spectacular walk along the North Devon Coast taking in Lynmouth, Lynton and the Valley of the Rocks.
This year's Challenge was certainly a hot and sunny event, fortunately there was a cool breeze for much of the day.
There are four children in a team and they have to follow an unmarked 16 mile route using instructions given - map-reading and compass skills are essential. There are a series of check-points along the route and each leg has to be completed in a pre-determined time.
Well done to all of the children who successfully navigated their way along rivers and over hills and moorland, arriving back in Dulverton after some six hours!
The children and their parents also embraced the fact that this is a charity walk for the Children's Hospice South West and have raised £1000 for this worthwhile cause.
Thinking and behaving like scientists and engineers ...
8S have recently been awarded their bronze CREST award certificates following their recent project submissions. The CREST awards are organised by the British Science Association and pupils are expected to investigate and carry out independent experimental work on an area of science that they find particularly interesting. The criteria for success is demanding and Mrs Cole was very impressed by this year’s entries. Topics included ‘Which is the crispiest crisp?’, ‘What’s in your food?’, ‘Which is the best rehydration treatment?’ and ‘Why do we use shampoo?’.
On Tuesday we had the second Informal Concert of the term featuring an enthusiastic group of pupils, many of whom were performing for the first time. The variety of instruments and repertoire was wonderfully wide-ranging and featured performances on piano, saxophone, violin, guitar (acoustic and electric) and voice. For those of you who may not have attended these concerts before, they are intended to provide a relaxed and positive forum for both young and experienced players alike to perform pieces (be they for exams or just for fun) to a receptive and enthusiastic audience – a perfect way to encourage children into performing and overcoming stage nerves.
Alex E (Y6, saxophone) began the concert with a toe-tapping rendition of Tickertape which was followed by Mya T (Y3, violin) and her confident performance of Cowboys and Indians. George M (Y7, piano) impressed with an assured Imperial March from Star Wars following which we had the lyrical Banks of Ohio played by Jackson H (Y4, guitar).
Harper P (Y4, piano) gave us the jaunty Old Dan Tucker and Barnie G (Y8, violin) followed that with a swashbuckling Pirates of the Caribbean. Edith H (Y3, piano) provided a moment of calm repose in Au claire de la lune before Valder F (Y5, electric guitar) rocked us out with 20th Century Boy.
Bobbie F (Y3, piano) and Clara T (Y3, violin) performed the beautiful The Skaters and Full Moon respectively before Frankie R-W (Y8, voice) finished the concert with a moving performance of Far from the home I love from Fiddler on the Roof. The Arts Centre audience was hugely appreciative, and our congratulations go to everyone who performed - especially those for whom this was their first concert performance. Well done!
Boarding Blog
Last weekend we had a lovely trip out to Somerset Boat Centre on the canal. We had an hour on the water with both paddle boards and double kayaks, it was a blast! Some of us definitely underestimated the ‘leisurely’ outing we were heading for - the 15 minute no-splash truce didn’t last long and by the end of the session everyone was soaked! After lunch, a short walk down the canal to get ice creams topped the outing off nicely.
Back at school the afternoon was spent out on the fields with the bikes and a fun game of cricket. We also managed to fit in some revision time, much to the Year 8s delight!
On Tuesday night Ines celebrated her birthday in style with a pizza party and movie night - Happy Birthday Ines!
The rest of the week has been filled with the usual business of school and a few treats as we near the half term break. We are very much looking forward to Sports Day on Friday, it’s set to be a fantastic afternoon!
The children have all been absolute superstars so far this term and they all deserve a restful week off - we hope you all have a lovely half-term.
A few words from this term's Deputy Head Boy ...
Hello everyone, I am Nick Watson, one of the Deputy Head Boys this term. I hope you are all having a good week as the weather has been great.
This week so far has been full of great sporting events such as the Years 2, 3 & 4 Sports Day on Monday and lots of crickets matches on Wednesday. I hope everyone in Years 5, 6, 7 & 8 enjoyed their Sports Day today – the weather definitely has been playing its part for us.
8S have been working on their project about ‘Power’ for the last few weeks now and we had our final presentations this morning. Well done to Years 5, 6 & 7 as they had their end of term exams last week and good luck to the CE students in Year 8 as they have their Common Entrance exams the week after half term.
I do hope you all have a great half-term.
A View from the Rose Garden
4F are enjoying the process of creating a Powerpoint presentation about their recent trip to Lulworth Cove.
They are using the photos taken on the trip, conducting non-fiction research and writing facts about Stair Hole, Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove. This is totally cross-curricular with English, Geography and ICT!
Year 3 have been studying the Greek Myth, ‘The Flight of Icarus’
Using Drama techniques like still images, thought tracking, improvisations, narrative, mime and movement they have learnt about the storyline, the characters and their feelings.
Dotty, Clara, Milla, Mya and Sophie were inspired, like Icarus in the story, to make a pair of wings to fly like a bird.
Look at some of their amazing creations.
Snoops' Diary
by Snoops the Dog
Dear Friends,
I know that some of you hoomans consider yourself to be ‘foodies’. Although I have a healthy appetite, I don’t think about food all day long (just part of it) and I’m not too fussed about its origin. A treat with a bit of pocket fluff on it is fine with me, as is a tasty morsel trapped in a bit of old carpet.
The warm weather this week, however, has had me longing for one of my favourite summer desserts: ice cream! On holiday I sometimes get treated to a special doggie cone, which is pawsome, but that’s not my first choice. I’m actually very partial to one of your human varieties called, Mr Whippy.
One of my hoomans has a weakness for this swirly, whirly version and has got into the most admirable habit of breaking off the lower part of the cone and making me my very own mini Mr Whippy.
I have sampled so many mini Mr Whippys over the last few years, that I now know where the best one is sold in the whole entire country. It’s in a little lakeside kiosk, by the public pier, in Bowness- on-Windermere! The venue might be unassuming in size and location, but I award it a 3 scoop Michelin star award. So, if you’re heading to the Lakes this summer, try one out, they are scrumdicious!
You might be aware that I spend quite a bit of time with the munchkin sized hoomans in nursery. They have a new role play ice cream van and I’m the driver. I’m absolutely loving my new job as an ice cream vendor, but it’s just fuelling my desire for some of that lush, cold creamy stuff!
Have a fabulous half term break and let’s hope that we all get a scoop or six!
Your Friend
Snoops X
Over the first half of this term, our Year 8 scholars undertook a research project on the theme of ‘Power’.
This project aimed to encourage the children to become passionate about their field of choice and to confidently present their findings in an engaging and interesting way.
This all came to fruition today when, over an entertaining few hours, in the glorious surroundings of the Woodard Room, the children presented with gusto to parents and staff. We were treated to talks covering a diverse range of topics from the decline of the Byzantine era, to bees ruling the earth (is this linked..?!), to the overwhelming power of brands in our lives and the timeless joy of an album cover.
All of the children had clearly strived with determination to become experts in their field and they spoke with flair and passion.
So, a big well done to all our scholars for a fine effort. The many weeks of toil and hard work really paid off and you have all done yourselves proud.
Mr Rudkin's Year 8 tutor group ...
... are now at the 'business end' of the year.
The Scholarship pupils have been preparing their tangible evidence and rehearsing scripts for their presentations for this year’s Scholarship project on the theme of Power. There are some excellent topics chosen and I am sure the audience will be thoroughly engaged.
The Common Entrance pupils are on their final few lessons before their exams and there is always much discussion in tutor time about revision. Little and often is a solid piece of advice and I am quite sure the whole school wishes them the best of luck for their exams.
Looking ahead after the exams and hoping the fine weather continues, Year 8 have their visit to North Devon for all things fun and adventurous. A tip from previous years - reapply your sun cream. Getting into a wetsuit with sunburn is not much fun!
There is also more sport to be had at school as well as the much-discussed Year 8 fete in the final week.
There is some work to be done before all of this but I am sure Year 8 will really enjoy their final few weeks at King’s Hall. Have a great half term!

Congratulations to Pip and Mabel who were part of the successful Bishops Lydeard team who recently won the Somerset U12s FA County Cup! Pip also finished the season as top scorer at any level in the Somerset girls' league (U12-U16) with 41 goals in 20 matches. Well done girls - a fantastic achievement!
Jess M was part of the King's team which qualified as one of only twenty schools to participate in a show jumping competition at Royal Windsor where they finished a very creditable 6th against some very tough competition!

Our girls had such a great time as part of the guard of honour at a recent match, meeting the team, collecting autographs and even having a photo with the England Captain, Heather Knight. What an amazing experience!
King's Hall School Shop
Our school shop is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2.30pm - 5pm.
The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing.
For a list of uniform items and shop opening times, please click here
If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.
Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!
Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!