by Justin ChippendaleTalk of the Coronation is definitely increasing, and I noticed during my 7am journey with Mr Wilkinson across town to a meeting at the College before school, that Taunton town has put celebratory bunting up. I’m going to hoist the Union flag outside my office after tapping this out and please read on in the Newsletter as there is mention of a good deal of events next Friday to mark the occasion, as well as a Friends of King’s Hall supported day on Monday 8 May.
Back to this week, and how nice it was to have the fields full of cricket games on Wednesday, but how frustrating it is to still be held back by the weather: I must admit, though, I am not sure if I’d rather be in Spain or not – we’re never satisfied!
I did, however, see a very satisfied child the other day. Reasons to be cheerful included that they had had a piece of cake for a birthday, they had been walking Snoops, they had finished their ‘very big piece of writing’ in class, they had been in the pool and they were off for their favourite supper… I never got to hear what was on the menu, but by golly, was he a picture of contentment: what a day!
Enjoy the rest of the Newsletter.

This Week in Pre-Prep...
by Claire LuckhurstDid you hear the cheers from Pre-Prep on Tuesday as their wish finally came true to enjoy playtime on the field? It has been a unanimous highlight of the week and one can only hope the weather allows us to spend many more playtimes out there over the coming weeks!
Another highlight was having Nursery 2 join Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in our assembly on Monday morning as part of their transition to ‘starting school’ in September.
Pelican NewsRSPCA - West Hatch Animal Centre
Following last term's non-uniform day over £345 has been raised for this worthwhile animal charity.
Thank you!
School Calendar
Don't forget to check the Portal and SOCs for details and timings of what is happening this term - it's a busy one!
Next week ...
Bank Holiday
Monday 1 MayA reminder that school is closed to day pupils this Monday.

Friends of King's Hall Coffee Morning
Tuesday 2 MayCome along to the Woodard Room for a coffee after you have dropped your child/ren off at school.
Friday 5th May

Celebrating the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort
Red, white and blue themed Non-Uniform Day
Coronation Lunch
Special Assembly celebrating the life of King Charles III
Fun & Activities

Coronation Art Competition
All entries to be taken to the Art Room by Thursday 4 MayChildren have been given a template of King Charles III's head in profile to decorate in any way they wish using any medium at all (felt pens, coloured penciles, paints, collage, leaves, flowers etc).
Children may like to take inspiration from the official invitation for the Coronation.

Coronation Cupcake Competition
All entries to be taken to the Dining Room by midday on Friday 5 MayChildren are invited to bake and decorate a cupcake of their choice - prizes will be given!
Only one entry per child
Cupcakes will be judged on appearance and creativity only
Please note that nuts must not be used
Long Weekend/Bank Holiday
School closes at 4.30pm on Friday 5 May (no TT Club, after school hobbies or day prep) and re-opens for boarders from 7pm on Monday 8 May and for day pupils at 8.30am on Tuesday 9 May.

Monday 8th May

King's Coronation Country Fete and Bake Off
Abbey Mill House, Washford TA23 0PS (next to Cleeve Abbey)The families and friends of King’s Hall are looking forward to seeing you on Bank Holiday Monday for the FUNdraiser and a much needed minibus for local charity The Nelson Trust.
Come and join in the fun which starts at midday.

Games for all the family
Bake off competition
Pony rides
Raffle & Auction
Prizes to be won!
If you have any second hand books, children’s clothes, toys/games, teddies etc in good condition
that you would like to donate to the fete please bring them to the Friends of King's Hall Coffee Morning (after drop off)
in the Woodard Room on Tuesday 2 May.
If you have any questions or to sign up to the fete WhatsApp group ahead of the day please message
Nina Coad on 07974 982558.
Thank you in advance for everyone’s incredible support.
Boarding Blog
Jake Eyers
Second week back and what a week it has been! Last weekend we visited Crealy Adventure Park and had a great time. The children loved trying out all the rides from swinging pirate ships to log flumes that left a few of us saturated! We managed to dodge the rain with a trip to the indoor soft play area with death slides, dark mazes and overhead walkways. The teachers also got stuck in and could also be found racing around the obstacles or dangling upside down on the monkey bars! The water slides were definitely the biggest hit of the day. It was so nice to see boarders of all ages, boys and girls zooming down the slides together and having a great time.
During the evenings this week we have also done a range of activities from a game of telephone that ended with some bizarre end messages to using the adventure playground or playing cricket outside. Hopefully as it starts to warm up we will be able to get outside more often in the evening as at the moment it can get a bit chilly. On top of these planned activities there have also been movie nights, chess, singing, dancing, pool games, gaming tournaments and even an unscheduled water fight at one point! The children's ability to find ways to entertain themselves often leads to the most memorable and entertaining moments of the term.
If anyone would like to join the fun at anytime, please do contact bookboarding@kingshalltaunton.co.uk
A few words from this term's Head Boy ...
Hi everyone, my name is Jack and I am this term's Head Boy.
The Easter holidays seem like a long time again now, but I was lucky enough to go skiing in Val Thorens which was such fun and weirdly I bumped into my classmate, Reggie, and I skied with him on one afternoon which I enjoyed.
The Summer term is always my favourite because of the weather and we get to play lots of cricket. I hope everyone who played in their first matches of the season on Wednesday enjoyed them - I certainly did.
At the start of Year 7 I not only started at King’s Hall but also moved in, as my mum took over as Head of Boarding. Living at school is great fun because I get to spend time with the boarders and use the facilities during the holidays. Also, the ‘journey’ to and from school each day is quite quick!
This week those of us in 8K & 8H have had a few sessions from Mr Rudkin and Mr Wilkinson giving us top tips on how to revise for our Common Entrance exams after half-term. These have been really helpful and now all of 8CE have revision timetables to guide us through the weeks before our exams.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the Bank Holiday Monday.
Junior Mathematical Challenge
On Wednesday morning the Year 7 and 8 scholars, as well as the Year 8 Common Entrance Set 1 pupils undertook a maths challenge set by UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust). This a challenge that Years 7 and 8 pupils all over the country attempt, with Bronze, Silver and Gold awards up for grabs, as well as the chance to be invited to try a more demanding challenge the kangaroo (so called because it was developed in Australia), for those who do particularly well.
The questions are very demanding and the ethos is to encourage the pupils ‘to think and reason’. The test was sat online for the first time this year, but the pupils are allowed paper for workings and, whilst invigilating, it was a pleasure to see them persevering and using their mathematical skills, as well as applying their knowledge.
The results will be known later this term but, whatever the outcome for the individual pupils, Wednesday certainly saw an excellent collective effort with the pupils rising to the challenge.
A View from the Rose Garden
Mrs Foster's class
What a wonderful week it has been for active lessons outdoors...
4F took a nature walk around the school and took time to spot beautiful stones, petals, grasses and to consider the beauty around us. This linked in with our English work on The Whales' Song, a book about a girl's love of whales: she gives the whales a gift from nature and hopes to hear their song.
Our other outdoor activity was cross curricular with History and Geography. 4F are learning about the Anglo-Saxons and this week researched many different Anglo-Saxon words and their meanings. The children used their maps to locate modern British towns and cities with Anglo-Saxon root words. Padstow is one such example; stow means meeting place or holy place.
A great week for 4F!
Snoops' Diary
by Snoops the Dog
Dear Friends,
Do you know that this week is stress awareness week? The children have been talking about managing stressful situations and talking about strategies to help with feelings of anxiety.
Did you know that one of my roles in school is helping with children who need emotional support? As well as being a playful fluffy presence around the place, I’m also a very calm and patient emotional support dog.
Did you know that multiple studies have found that being around animals can dramatically improve moods? Other studies have found that dogs, in particular, are particularly effective at helping ease feelings of anxiety and sadness, as well as increasing physical activity.
These are the characteristics I pride myself on when I have my therapy dog hat on:
- I stay calm and happy around lots of people.
- I enjoy being stroked.
- I have a friendly and kind demeanour.
- I am relaxed when people approach me.
- I stay calm when confronted with unusual and loud sounds.
- I am confident with children and adults.
So if you are ever worried or feeling a little anxious, try giving my fluffy locks a little ruffle. You’ll probably walk away feeling lighter and brighter. I certainly seem to have a happy effect in school.
I would also like to wish you all a happy and calm weekend.
Much love from
Snoops xx
Mrs Cole's Year 7 tutor group
Everyone has come back after the Easter holiday feeling refreshed and ready for the excitement of the Summer Term. We are so lucky to have such beautiful grounds here at King’s Hall and we are all looking forward to spending more time outside in the sunshine (hopefully!). Year 7 have so many things to look forward to and here are a few of their thoughts:

Please click below to see this week's sporting updates via our King's Hall Sport Twitter feed.
King's Hall Sport TwitterKing's Hall School Shop
Our school shop is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2.30pm - 5pm.
The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing.
For a list of uniform items, shop opening times and payment details, please click the links below:
Nursery and Pre-prep
If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.
Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!
Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!