by Justin ChippendaleWorld Book Day yesterday also saw several Governors with us as they enjoyed time in classes across the whole age range, as well as holding some of their termly meetings later in the day. One or two started with Chapel as early as 8.30am and were still here as we ended our last meeting of the day at about 5.50pm. We are lucky not only to have such an able, knowledgeable and wise body of people but also incredibly grateful for the considerable time they give to King’s – all voluntarily!
A menu not limited to maths, language, literacy, break time with staff, book character costumes, music, drama, cold astroturf visits, hot fish and chips for lunch and science investigations were all in the mix of their day along with discussions, debates and decisions about the business aspects of the schools.
I, too, had a similar mix of WBD and the meetings. I had a visit from Nursery 1 who were keen that I read to them from their basket of favourite books – how could I resist! (See photo below)
I have really enjoyed watching some matches recently with plenty of fun and skill to witness. Close games, not so close games, it’s great to see so many children playing hard and for each other. There have been lots of successes in competitions beyond school matches across the likes of equestrian, cross-country and squash (not forgetting the National Junior Pistol win) as well as with the more obvious but no less impressive netball and hockey teams at various ages. There are some multi-event competitions upcoming, too.
Going back to the mention of science investigations, next week is STEM week across the school and I have heard rumour that there has been a bit of an annoyance for one of the science team just recently – no doubt we shall find out more on Monday?

This Week in Pre-Prep...
by Claire LuckhurstWe certainly put our detective skills to good use yesterday as we celebrated World Book Day by trying to work out the clues to each other’s favourite books. As ever, I was impressed with the creativity of ideas and thank you for your support in making the day memorable. On Monday, I read the brilliant book, ‘It’s a Book’ by Lane Smith to the children which perfectly sums up the power of a book over an electronic device. For a start, you don’t have to charge it up, remember a password or stay within Wi-Fi range to read it, and while it can’t tweet, blog or make sound it can transport you to amazing places through the power of your imagination. It was heartening to see most of the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 indicate they prefer books to devices in a quick poll during the assembly even though, as one child pointed out, “it can be harder to read books because you have to work out the words and you only have to listen to the iPad” Hopefully days such as World Book Day will continue to inspire our children to immerse themselves in the sheer joy of books for many, many years to come!
Pelican NewsNext Week....
Please see the School calendar and SOCs for more details and timings
Monday 6th March

Monday 6th - Friday 10th MarchWhole school (except 8H and 8K)

Year 5 Book Club
Year 4 Parent Teacher Meetings

Tuesday 7th March
Friend's of King's Hall Coffee Morning

Year 3 Book Club
IAPS Swim Gala
Mixed U13A & Mixed U11A

Wednesday 8th March
Year 7 trip to The BrewhouseSherlock Holmes - The Valley of Fear
Thursday 9th March
Year 8 Transition Meeting for parents

Friday 10th March
Start of the Long WeekendNo after school supervision or activities - 4:30pm finish
Upcoming Events

Week commencing 6th MarchIf you require day prep provision for your child next week please book them in using the link below. The booking form will close at 9.15 am on Monday; if you need to make a late booking or make any changes after this time please let us know by emailing SchoolOffice@kingshalltaunton.co.uk.
If your child uses School transport and you need to make any changes next week please email Transport@kingshalltaunton.co.uk to let us know.
Day Prep Booking FormBoarding Blog
by Anna Hardy
Sunshine, Supermarkets and Scooters!
On Sunday morning the sun was shining so we decided a walk was in order – we layered up and headed off to the highest point on the Quantock Hills, Will’s Neck. The trig point at the top told us we were 1266ft above sea level and the view of the Bristol Channel was stunning, if not slightly marred by all of the cranes building Hinkley C. I couldn’t help myself giving them a bit of a talk about Hinkley Point, after all ‘every day is a school day’ - it is a Nuclear Power station, where they are currently using the biggest crane in Europe and creating a national shortage of cement as they build two new nuclear reactors, that will bring low-carbon electricity for 6 million homes.
After humouring Mrs Hardy, the children walked back, climbing trees along the way, before heading back to the school via Asda. I am not sure how to feel about the children getting so excited about being let loose in Asda with £5 to spend, it certainly brought them much joy and is a lot easier to organise than most of the other Sunday activities! Once back at school we got the go-karts, scooters and skateboards out – the children had a lot of fun and it was lovely to see them having so much fun outside in the sunshine, although it was still rather chilly. The evening was topped off with Sunday roast followed by a film in the Arts Centre – our very own cinema.
This week the following children were rewarded from the ‘credit draw’ - Tafara, Kieran, Lily, Ethan, Tamzin and George. They chose either ice cream, Dr Pepper, chocolate or pot noodles as their prizes.
If anyone fancies joining us anytime, do contact bookboarding@kingshalltaunton.co.uk
Have a good weekend – we hope to as we are off to conquer the high ropes at Vivary Park.
A few words from this term's Head Girl
Ffion KingHi everyone! Hope the term is going well for you all. Firstly, a big well done to all those Year 8 pupils who took part in the 13 + Scholarship assessments. Although it was a busy time, I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. It has been another busy week for sport this week across the school. There have been netball matches, swimming galas and hockey matches. I participated in the Somerset Schools Athletics on Monday at King's College and then IAPS Netball under 13 qualifiers at Millfield on Thursday. The start of March is always fun with World Book Day and lots of exciting activities with workshops planned for all years. This year’s theme is Shakespeare's The Tempest. Preparations are also underway for The House Music competitions which take place at the end of term. Rehearsals will start soon so best of luck to everyone involved. Parents are very welcome to attend and watch at the end of term. And finally, the 1st of March was St David’s day and at home that is always a time to eat Welsh Cakes! So everyone I wish you ‘Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus’ (Happy St David’s Day)!!!

A View from the Rose Garden
Mrs Willmott’s class have enjoyed celebrating World Book Day this week and have involved themselves in a number of fun activities. On Tuesday they took part in a Shakespeare workshop, based on The Tempest. Even Mrs Willmott was scared when they were perfecting their Caliban, the gruesome monster, roles.
On Wednesday they had a session in the library making mini books with Mrs Lowery and on Thursday they wrote in them.
They brought in their favourite books and shared them with each other and next week the pupils are keen to enter the library competition.
It’s certainly been a busy but productive week on the reading and writing front.
Snoops' Diary
by Snoops the Dog
Dear Friends,
I hope you all enjoyed World Book Day this week.
I managed to watch the Year 6 children performing in their Tempest workshop and they were absolutely awesome. Much to my delight I was invited to join in with the Year 3 workshop, later in the morning. I agree with their comments about it being ‘wicked’. You can probably tell that in the photo we are all pretending to be Caliban, the monster.
Although I’m only familiar with a few of Shakespeare’s works, I’m very fond of books and my personal favourite is, ‘Harry the Dirty Dog’.
I’m intending on reading more this weekend and I’ll certainly be taking my voucher along to a bookshop to receive my annual ‘World Book Day’ gift.
I hope you’ve been inspired to read too.
Have a great weekend.
Your Friend
Snoops X

Mr Sprague's Tutor Group
Year 6‘The lull before the storm.’
We are all trying to keep things calm. The next two weeks are going to be very busy for all of them as they prepare for their performances in the medley of plays from the books of Roald Dahl, this year’s show from Year 6.
We are now well over half way through the academic year. The children have all shown great enthusiasm and resilience through the cold, wet days and are looking forward sunnier and warmer weather. Good luck to them for next week!
Academic Life
Modern Foreign Languages
In languages this year we have tried to focus more on learning vocabulary in sentences rather than just lexical items and this is really benefitting some of our students. Sentence Builders is a great website that we use as teachers, creating a clear format for learning in sentences and allowing our children to build up their writing and speaking. However, some children have become very reliant on looking up words rather than relying on their own memory and others still will turn to google to translate a sentence rather than look up a similar sentence in their own book. Google really is a big no-no! It invariably gives a wrong translation and if your child is looking up something quite complex then it is probably too difficult to remember.
One good use of google is when you ask it to say a word out loud for you; this is useful if a child is preparing for a speaking activity and is not sure how to say a word.
Unfortunately, if we do not spend time actively learning vocabulary and structures so that they can be used in our own work, we do not reach a place where we can be independent with our own language use. We often discuss how to learn the vocabulary as well as what and whether we are learning spellings or just meanings.
Here are some top tips for learning new structures:
- Work with a friend/ parent for best effect
- Little and often! Frequency is the most important element of memorisation. It's much better to do 15 minutes every night than a long session once a week.
- Visual – make mind Maps/ posters / post- it notes of key vocabulary. Use colour and maybe pictures to help you link the words to meanings. Display them somewhere that you will see them every day. When I was young, my bedroom walls were covered in posters for different subjects!
- Look/ cover/say/ write is a useful tool.
- Auditory - Record yourself saying your structures/paragraphs and listen often. Back in the day, I used my trusty cassette deck to good effect!
- Kinaesthetic - Make your own flashcards with French on one side and English on the other
- Certain phrases will lend themselves to gestures as you learn them e.g. daily routine phrases.
Using apps and websites are also really useful. We particularly like using Linguascope for basic phrases and it is great for revision. You child should know the username and password.
And most of all have fun with the language!
News from the Library

World Book Day
World Book Day celebrations kicked off on Tuesday when the WestEnd in Schools team visited to hold a marathon of theatre workshops exploring Shakespeare’s The Tempest. It was inspiring to witness so many children collaborating to bring the work to life.
One of the three main aims of the current children’s Laurette, Joseph Coelho, is to inspire all children to believe they all have a story to tell and are future book makers. So in line with this other bookish collaboration have also been afoot this week. Classes from Nursery to Year 8 have joined forces to create our very own book as part of the King’s Hall ‘Great World Book Day story project’. Each tutor group has been taking it in turns to write the next instalment of what will become a fully illustrated book.
Of course the library has marked the day with its usual mix of fun and excitement. Groups of children have gathered at various points to hear situational stories e.g. books set in forests read in the woods. Various games have been played in Library lessons – Two Truths and a Lie Book Edition seems to be a particularly popular way of peers introducing recommended books to each other!
Back by popular demand we watched our very own production of The Masked Reader Season 3, much like ITV’s popular 'Masked Singer' but with less singing, cheaper sets and of course a much higher calibre of celebrity! This opportunity for staff to share our love of reading with the children witnessed a member of the catering team digitally enhanced as Thanos recount his love of Roald Dahl, a Headmaster willing to don a digital façade of pancakes to read from Flat Stanley and a very dubious looking chicken nugget with a Welsh accent recommend Philp Reeve books, to name but a few contestants!
For this year’s World Book Day Competition we have jumped on an initiative from the British Library and National Literacy Trust. Echoing the children Laurette’s above aspiration the children have been challenged to produce a miniature book of their own. Mrs Lowery has already been astounded by the diversity and inventiveness on display. Children have been popping into the library to show her their works in progress - mini novels, poetry books, How To’s, and comics have all been spotted formats so far. Children have been given details in library sessions, but for any wanting a reminder or helpful hints there are full instructions accessible via the button below. Closing Date for entries is Friday 10th March.
Finally, Friday should see pupils bring home their own £1 tokens which can be redeemed against any of the exclusive list of free World Book Day books available from participating booksellers and supermarkets or used to receive £1 off any full price book or audiobook (above the price of £2.99). Enjoy and keep reading – we have!
WBD competition
Shakespeare Workshop
The TempestOn Tuesday we were visited by the amazing Westend In Schools company. Over the course of a whole day, all of Y1 to Y6 took part in Workshops exploring the life of Shakespeare and his play ‘The Tempest’. Pupils had a wonderful time acting out the wild and stormy scenes from the play, as well as creating a human version of Shakespeare’s Globe – they really did bring it to life! Pupils also learnt about the many different types of people who visited Shakespeare’s theatre in the 1600s and why they went… it wasn’t always to watch the theatre! Well done to all the pupils who took part and had a great time exploring Shakespeare to celebrate this year’s World Book Day.
Year 6 Present...
This year's Lent term production of some of Roald Dahls famous works.
Seats can be reserved from Monday 6th March by contacting the School Office
A message from the Pupil Council

Thursday 23rd March
Raising money for the RSPCA - West Hatch Animal CentreThe Pupil Council invite you to get involved on Thursday 23rd March for a suggested donation of £2 or more if you wish the children will be able to wear home clothes to school for the day in support of the amazing work the RSPCA provide. Make a difference to animals housed locally at West Hatch Animal Centre. Here are a few photos of some of the animals currently at the centre.
Sports Update

Please click below to see this week's sporting updates via our King's Hall Sport Twitter feed.
King's Hall Sport Twitter
Summer Sailing
David HandsIt is at this time in the year when I start planning the sailing program for the Summer Term. If you have a child in Year 5 –8 that you think would like to sail each Wednesday, please could you contact me as soon as possible. The cost of each session is usually £15 to £20 ahead depending on numbers. There is no previous experience necessary as the children are taught by RYA qualified instructors during the term your children will receive qualifications as they reach the appropriate standards. Places are limited so if you would like to find out more information and sign up please do email me or complete this form to express interest.
Also if you would like your child to get some extra sailing practice in, Wimbleball will be offering sessions during the summer holiday - Ospreys Sailing Weeks, RYA courses for children aged 8 to 18 on various dates. Please contact them direct by emailing - learn2sailwsc@gmail.com

Easter Residential Sports Camp
3 - 5 April 2023For Children aged 8 - 15. This exciting new residential camp at King's College is designed to help players develop their skills and techniques in a broad range of sporting activities, whilst having fun and making new friends in a safe and supportive environment. Over three days, children will gain access to a team of experienced coaches and have the chance to explore some of our wonderful facilities, including the state-of-the-art Sports Performance & Cricket Centre, netball and tennis dome, as well as sprawling sports pitches.
To register or find out more visit the website www.kings-taunton.co.uk/events or email or phone Admissions - 01823 328204
A leaflet containing more information is available by clicking the link below
Walkers Academy Performing Arts Camp - 'Matilda' 5-11 Years
11th-13th AprilFor school years Reception to Year 6
Join workshops from the world famous Matilda film and stage show. The programme will include learning songs, dances, staging and acting for castings from Matilda, delivered by Walker Performing Arts Academy. Train with working industry professionals from TV, film and theatre, and take part in a fun Acting for Camera and Casting workshop with a professional cameraman from Clockwise Films. Learn new skills in dance, drama and singing whilst growing in confidence, having fun and being creative. No experience necessary, just the passion and focus to embrace Performing Arts.
The workshops will run for three days at £195 per child, or there is the option to book two days or less for £75 per day.
Payments need to be made online via BACS
Further informationKING'S HALL SCHOOL SHOP
Our school shop is open on Monday's and Wednesday's from 2:30 - 5pm.
The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing.
For a list of uniform items, shop opening times and payment details, please click the links below:
Nursery and Pre-prep
If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.
Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!
Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!