by Justin ChippendaleHave you seen the stunning mornings recently? Having endured some very wet weather and then fog for several consecutive days it is lovely, if chilly, to be enjoying some frosty scenes that lend themselves perfectly to the Christmas mood in the camp.
We have the Nursery Nativity today, Prep Carol Service on Sunday and then Pre-Prep Nativity next Friday. Along with a couple of assembly re-tellings, over the next eight days we will make our annual pilgrimage through the greatest story ever told.
We have seen the last major sports fixtures and there has been a huge amount of enjoyment over the last few months and much progress made. Well done to everyone for heading out with enthusiasm even when it has been colder recently – that includes parents on the sidelines!
Talking of parents visiting for matches, as one visitor from another school came in the front door heading to match tea on Wednesday, they noticed the gorgeous pile of presents/shoeboxes building under the tree and asked “Ooo, are they for the staff?”. It was explained that it was a collection for Ukrainian children about to head out in time for Christmas and I thank the Pupil Council for leading this initiative as well as Harry Sharp, a former King’s pupil, for masterminding the external logistics.
One last Christmas thing to mention for now. If you’re free on Tuesday evening, the College Christmas Concert, which will include some Prep children, will be good fun as well as full of some quality music of varying styles. So, if you’re looking for some light festive musical entertainment then head to the College Chapel for a 7.15pm start.
See you there, anyhow, this Sunday.

This Week in Pre-Prep...
by Claire LuckhurstThis week’s edition must be dedicated to the fabulous Nursery team who perfectly captured the innocence and charm of Christmas this morning with their wonderful Nativity performance. ‘The Nativity’ was a triumph in every way as the children dazzled in their roles and amazed us all with what such tiny children can achieve when guided so expertly by the brilliant staff. I do not think there was dry eye in the house but plenty of smiles and pride for every child who helped to tell the greatest story ever told. The children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are very much looking forward to performing their version of the Nativity next Friday in the style of a certain Saturday night dance show!
Please click here to read the rest of this week's Pelican NewsComing up ...
Please see the School Calendar on the Portal and SOCs for more details and timings
Monday 12th - Friday 16th December
“Christmas week”
The Prep children can wear ONE piece of Christmas clothing every day during the last week of term. This can be a jumper, scarf or a festive pair of socks that can be worn with their uniform. Please do not feel any need to go and buy a Christmas jumper – by all means be creative with existing clothing.
This week there will be no after school activities/hobbies. Day Prep will run as normal Monday to Thursday.
Monday 12th December

St Nicolas Day assembly
Senior Choir carols at BHLAC

Senior Choir Party
Tuesday 13th December

Year 3 Nativity assembly

King's College Christmas Concert
The Christmas Concert will start in the chapel at 7:15pm on Tuesday 13 Dec, with refreshments served in the Woodard Room from 6:30pm. This year all tickets for the concert must be booked through the KCT portal – tickets will cost £5.50 with proceeds going to Open Door Taunton, a drop-in centre for the homeless and needy and an especially pertinent cause in these colder months; staff, pupils and under 16s will not be charged.
The concert will be a joyous celebration of Christmas involving ensembles taken from all years of the College and will include: Symphony Orchestra, Chapel Choir, Chamber Choir, Barbershop, Big Band, Brass Ensemble, Son Cubano, RocSoc, Senior Jazz and chamber music, as well as musicians from King’s Hall and audience carol-singing.
I look forward to welcoming many of you to what promises to be a very special evening.
Tom Brimelow - Director of Music at King’s College

Wednesday 14th December
Christmas Lunches and fun Years 3 & 4: Golden Time Years 5, 6 & 7: Plus Rewards Year 8: Christmas Party
Thursday 15th December
Prep Christmas Parties Year 8: Town Time Boarders' Feast

Friday 16th December
Prep Final Assembly
Happy Christmas Holidays
Term ends at 3.30pm. We ask that all children are collected promptly please.
Upcoming Events
Day Prep
Week commencing 12 December
Day Prep will be running as usual until Thursday 15th. If you require day prep provision for your child/ren Monday - Thursday next week please book using the link below. The booking form will close at 9am on Monday; if you need to make a late booking or make any changes after this time please let us know by emailing SchoolOffice@kingshalltaunton.co.uk.
If your child uses School transport and you need to make any changes please email Transport@kingshalltaunton.co.uk to let us know.
Day Prep Booking FormA View from the Rose Garden
Mrs Willmott's Class - Year 3
There is no missing, or mistaking, the aura of excitement in 3W. With an array of multicoloured reindeer taking flight from our classroom window, and a nativity assembly in mid-practice, the energy surrounding the magic of Christmas is tangible.
Like elves in Santa’s workshops, tutor times are a hive of activity, with snowflake and paper-chain production lines churning out acres of decorations.
3W are looking forward to the final week’s festivities; interspersed with a few regular lessons, of course. They are certainly deserving of a well earned rest after a term’s hard work and commendable achievements.
3W would all like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas!
Snoops' Diary
by Snoops the Dog
Dear Friends,
I am trying hard to contain my excitement and it’s not yet the final week of full-on festive fun. Now that’s going to be through the roof level of excitement! I can’t wait for Christmas lunch, the Christmas parties and the boarders' feast. There’s certainly going to be a lot of delicious hoovering to do!
I’ve been practising hard for my part in the Year 3 Christmas assembly and if I say so myself, I’m an absolute star!
My Snoops hobby was a blast this week. My little hooman followers wrapped presents for Meg and me to open. Can you imagine the fun we had? We are now experts at present opening so I’m looking forward to that jolly man, with the white beard, sneaking in on Christmas Eve to fill my stocking. I know I’m supposed to woof at strangers, but I won’t be on this particular occasion. Even if I hear him coming down the chimney or plodding softly along the landing in those big black boots, I’m going to keep my eyes tightly closed and stay curled up like a croissant in my basket.
So, parents, after winding your little darlings up into a festive frenzy next week, we’ll be sending them home to you on Friday already soaring high on the magic of Christmas (Your turns!! Hehe!)
On that note, I’d just like to say, make the most of next week!!
Have a lovely weekend and see you at the Carol Service.
Your Friend
Snoops X
A Few Words From.....
This Terms Deputy Head Girl - Lucia Similien
Hello everyone, this will be my last newsletter at King's Hall, I have really enjoyed this term being Deputy Head girl.
One of my favorite things about this term was the hockey, one particular good game was against Taunton School it was 4-3 to us. Now that the Football World Cup has started, I am excited for England, it could be coming home; but first we must beat France! Whilst it is hot in Qatar at the World cup, it is definietly getting cold here in England. I am excited about Christmas with my family, I hope you are excited too.
Looking into the New Year, although I will be sad that the hockey season has finished, I am excited for my last netball season. Last year netball IAPS was so much fun, particularly the long bus journey, the memories will stay with me forever.
I hope you have an amazing Christmas.
Boarding Blog
by Anna Hardy
The Barn Dance last Friday night was great fun and the children finally got the hang of what a ‘do-si-do' was, as well as enjoyed hotdogs and spending time with their friends – a brilliant evening, thank you FoKHS for organising.
On Sunday we headed off to Clarks Village for a spot of Christmas shopping and ice skating. The children were great company and proved to be great shoppers too. The ice skating was really good fun and all the children impressed me with how they threw themselves into it and everyone was skating independently by the end of the hour.
On Sunday evening some of the children helped Mr Chippendale decorate the big tree at the front of school whilst others enjoyed watching the football.
Its been another busy week, with excitement building for the final week of term as there are so much to look forward to, including the Carol Service this Sunday.
Mr Stannett's Tutor Group
The tutor group have been enjoying some creative crafting, students have been diligently decorating their tutor room with paper stars and chains. It seems that Christmas has descended in Mr Stannett’s tutor room, Martha Jones has brought in a tree and we have pulled names from a hat for the tutor group Secret Santa. The students have been wrapping shoe boxes with presents for children in Ukraine and thinking of others at this time of year. Alice Lang has brought in an advent calendar filled with festive jokes; the tutor group are very much enjoying taking it in turns to read them out in the mornings.
This term the children have also been taking it in turn to bring something in for show and tell. So far, we have seen how Raffy and Lucas can solve a Rubix cube in under a minute or even 30 seconds! And George has shared with us the fantastic models that he builds at home, from aircraft carriers to fighter jets.
The tutor group very much enjoyed the King’s Hall barn dance and are looking forward to their parties and Christmas meals next week.
Have a lovely Christmas everyone!
Mr Stannett
This week's Sport round-up
U9 hockey tournament
The U9 girls had their first experience of a fully competitive hockey tournament on Saturday. They all rose to the occasion and put into place the skills they have learnt this term to all come away with medals. One team were champions of their tournament and were presented with medals and a shield. The other team were silver medallists of their competition, only losing out on goal difference to another team, having not lost a match all morning. What an exciting future these girls have on the hockey pitch.
U12 IAPS Hockey National Finals
The U12 girls competed in the IAPS National Finals competition at Clifton College with over 25 schools attending. The girls showed great teamwork both in attack and defence throughout the day, finishing 3rd in their pool group. They qualified for the Plate competition and faced Cheltenham College in the Quaterfinal. After a tight game with lots of attacking pressure, they lost 1-0 but kept fighting right to the final whistle. Despite the cold and misty conditions the girls were in great spirits throughout the day and had a great experience in such a well-organised and highly competitive tournament.
Well done everyone.

Christmas Cricket Clinic
Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 DecemberThere will be a Cricket Clinic running during the Christmas holidays at King's College for boys and girls in Years 4 - 8. For more information please email Rob Woodman using the link below.
For more Sport news...
Christmas shoeboxes for Ukraine
The Pupil Council thank you for all of your generous donations to this worthy cause, if you havent yet had chance to make a Christmas Shoeboxes for Ukraine you can still participate by delivering your donation to the mainb reception Christmas tree by Monday at the latest please.
The idea is to pack a shoebox with new toys for a child and wrap it up in Christmas paper, put a label on the front noting the age group suitability of the contents; then please bring the completed wrapped boxes in to school for the attention of Mrs Foster.
Here are a few ideas of what you might like to put in the box:
- Toys eg. stuffed teddy, interactive game, skipping rope, fidget toy
- Hygiene items eg. hairbrush, toothbrush, packaged bar of soap, compact mirror, sanitary products
- School supplies eg. pencils, pens, pencil case, crayons, notebooks, stickers
- or other essentials such as gloves, hats, sunglasses
Thank you in advance of your kindness towards this worthy cause.
Friends of King's Hall Barn Dance
Over 130 pupils, parents, cow girls, cow boys, dancers, prancers, comets and vixens turned up to the third King’s Hall Christmas Barn Dance, held for the first time in the school itself. Superbly arranged and stylishly decorated by Minky Luard and Becs Joslin, the KH arts centre was transformed into a wild west tavern for the occasion and no arm - or ankle - was left unturned. Terrific music, courtesy of the band Barn Stormers, and delicious hearty winter food, courtesy of our very own Liz Colbourne and her team, made a great evening a memorable one, cementing this event as a firm favourite in the King’s Hall calendar.
'Elf'is Returns to King's Hall!

Mrs Kemmish came in on Monday to find that 'Elf'is had collected together some of the little lost property items which have accumualted this term. Tuesday he wanted to try on some uniform. Wednesday he was feeling the love in the library, Thursday he won the trophy for best Elf (or so he thought) and finally he decided to act a sheep (Mr Chippendale advised definitley a sheep not a goat).
Where will he bne next week for the final week of term?!

Woodlands Adventure December Camp
19th-21st DecemberWoodlands Adventure is a holiday club with a difference. It takes place in our own woods at King’s Hall, so there are no televisions, computers or iPads, just fresh air, friends and a whole lot of fun!
Find out more about our fantastic camp on offer during December for children aged 3 to 13 by clicking the link below.
Christmas opening hours:
The School shop will be open on
Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th January 2023 9am - 4pm
Please contact the School Office to book an appointment.
Our school shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing.
For a list of uniform items, shop opening times and payment details, please click the links below:
Nursery and Pre-prep
If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.
Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!
Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!