by Justin ChippendaleAlmost 400 exams taken, two trips to the zoo, some Welsh medieval antics and a walk around a Somerset village, plenty of cricket matches, wonderful pupil joiners for the second half of term and a lot of prospective families have all been some key components of this first five days.
The everyday teaching and learning, hobbies, swimming etc have also been in there as well as Governors’ meetings and the increasing number of discussions about next term. Business as usual is a constant with plenty of extra activity layered on top.
Into next week, we have a brilliant Arts Week to enjoy, the number of prospective family visits remains high, there are some Moving Up meetings for parents and whilst Year 8 are away at The Ultimate Adventure Centre, Year 7 will be finalising their packing to catch the Eurostar next Saturday and head on to the French/Swiss border in the Alps.
So past, present and future, it’s all happening and a great deal of learning, growth, purpose and fun being had along the way.

This Week in Pre-Prep...
by Claire LuckhurstPre-Prep have bounced into this final stretch of the academic year with plenty of energy and enthusiasm which is reassuring as every ounce of it will be needed to navigate our way through the many events and activities (and everyday learning) we hope to achieve. Hopefully we are setting a good example of how hard work equates to realising high aspirations and expectations!
Pelican NewsPlease check the Portal and SOCs for more details and timings of what is happening next week...
'Magical' Arts Week with plenty of stimulating, magic-themed activities and experiences in store for the children.
Monday 12 June - Friday 16 June
Year 8 residential trip to Ultimate Adventure Centre, Bideford
Monday 12 June - Friday 16 June
Book Clubs
Monday 12 June (Year 3); Thursday 15 June (Year 4)
Year 2 to Year 3 next steps meeting
Monday 12 June
Friends of King's Hall coffee morning
Tuesday 13 June
Speech & Drama showcases
Tuesday 13 June (Year 5 - Year 7) & Wednesday 14 June (Year 3 & Year 4)
Year 4 production of A Midsummer Night's Dream to parents
Friday 16 June
School finishes at 4.30pm on Friday 16 June

Woodlands Adventure Summer Holiday Camp
Monday 17 July - Friday 25 AugustWoodlands Adventure is a holiday club with a difference. It takes place in our own woods at King’s Hall, so there are no televisions, computers or iPads, just fresh air, friends and a whole lot of fun! All children aged 3 to 13 (children under 3 must attend King's Hall Nursery) are welcome to come and join in, including those that don't attend King's Hall School. You're welcome to drop your child/children off from 8.30am and choose which days suit you.

24 July - 1 SeptemberPro-Coaching delivers a range of multi-sports and sports specific (Cricket, Tennis, Athletics, Football) holiday courses across the South West.

Netball World Cup 2023 Youth Camp
Monday 24 JulyThe Netball World Cup is taking place this July in South Africa. To celebrate, we are running a Netball World Cup themed youth camp for girls in Years 7 to 10 looking to enhance their skills and match play whilst having fun with friends.
The day will consist of attacking and defending skills, game sense and match play. We will be talking all things ‘Netball World Cup’ with lots of activities throughout the day to build excitement leading up to the World Cup in South Africa.

King's Hall Summer Cricket Clinic
Tuesday 25 JulyThe Summer Cricket Clinics at King's Hall School are a great opportunity to focus on improving certain skills and a great place for cricketers to enjoy the game. Rob Woodman (Director of Cricket) and expert coaches will help participants make the most of the grass pitches, astro turf nets, sports hall and bowling machine, and help them learn and develop.

Maddie Hinch Celebration Tour - U18 Goalkeeper Camp
Sunday 30 JulyThis summer's tour is a particularly special one as we will look to celebrate Maddie's incredible international career.

King's Hall Summer Cricket Clinic
Tuesday 1 AugustThe Summer Cricket Clinics at King's Hall School are a great opportunity to focus on improving certain skills and a great place for cricketers to enjoy the game. Rob Woodman (Director of Cricket) and expert coaches will help participants make the most of the grass pitches, astro turf nets, sports hall and bowling machine, and help them learn and develop.

Walkers Academy Summer Performing Arts Camps
Monday 21 - Friday 25 AugustIf you love singing, dancing and acting, all things performing arts, then come along to our Summer Camps! Open to all abilities, from beginners to experienced performers, we tailor to suit you, in an inclusive, supportive and confidence-building environment. Working on the scripts, songs and movement, celebrating the shows The Lion King, Six, Mary Poppins and Hamilton!
Boarding Blog
It has been so lovely to have the children back this week and to hear of all the wonderful things they got up to over half term. Hopefully they are refreshed and ready for a busy last few weeks.
Year 8s have been amazing and worked so hard this week for their exams. They are looking forward to ‘freedom’ this weekend - no revision in sight!
Noah and Tamzin both celebrated their birthdays on Thursday. Present opening in the morning and then parties in the evening. Pizza and cake galore!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
If your child would like to come and see what it is like to board here and experience a night in school, we would love to welcome them to one of our Boarding Taster nights - please click on the relevant link for more information and to book.
Year 5 Boarding Taster Night (19 June) Year 6 Boarding Taster Night (20 June)Our wonderful Year 7s kicked off this term’s Book Clubs with a tasty book-breakfast on Thursday morning.
They really got their teeth stuck in to discussing The Starlight Watchmaker by Carnegie nominated author Lauren James. This topical novella tells the story of an android watchmaker and a wealthy duke who overcome their preconceptions to stop a potential terrorist threat. It was a first for Book Club as the host was an automated robotic librarian (baring no resemblance to Mrs Lowery!) delivering questions via a computer screen. There was animated debate about what it means to be a human, how we should treat others and ideas for the deployment of time traveling watches should they ever fall into the hands of the pupils. We even managed to do a little experiment to test how artificial intelligence can learn to identify emotions using Google’s educational AI simulator - Teachable Machine. It certainly got all our cogs whirring first thing!
A few words from this term's Head Girl...
Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a great half-term holiday, and that even those who were revising for exams had a chance to relax.
A half-term highlight for me was swimming as part of a team of seven girls at the IAPS national swimming finals, held at the Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park, London. We had a very memorable time, competing in the pool that has hosted so many amazing international swimmers, and also exploring London, where I grew up.
The trip made me think about how different King’s Hall is from my school in London. I have really enjoyed the fact that there is so much more green space, so that we have the room to do lots of different sports and activities. I have also made so many good friends since I joined at the beginning of Year 5, and I am really pleased that most of them will be moving with me to the College.
I would also like to say ‘Well done’ to the Year 8s who have completed their Common Entrance exams this week. Your efforts will be well rewarded next week, when we go to Devon for our last residential at King’s Hall. I am really looking forward to it. There are even more trips planned for other year groups, such as the Year 7 trip to France, which they will most certainly enjoy as much as I did last year.
I hope that you enjoy all the fun and activities of the last few weeks of term.
A View from the Rose Garden
What a lovely week 4W have had ....
With the sun out we have been rehearsing for our production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. It has been great fun, and hard work, remembering our cues and stage movements. Mrs Keirle has been brilliant in sharing her ‘stage’ wisdom with us and we are very much looking forward to performing it next week - hopefully with the sun still shining as we are performing outdoors on the lawn by the Author Huts. In DT we have been finishing off our Jitterbugs. It has been a great project as you can see. Next week we are very much looking forward to Arts Week. The theme of ‘Magic’ will be fun and mysterious.
What a glorious day for the Year 3 trip to North Curry!
Walking from one end of the village to the other, the children took note of all of the different facilities in the village, from the voluntarily run Coffee Shop to the Medical Centre. Discussion ensued as to why the new Medical Centre had to be built slightly outside the middle of the village and whether North Curry has more old houses or new? There was evidence of history as well with the old water pump, the ‘pepper pot’ memorial to Queen Victoria and the War Memorial. On the way Mrs Gompels spoiled everyone with a sweet treat that was enjoyed in the Queen Elizabeth gardens. A super visit all around and thanks must go to Mrs Gompels, Mrs Hayden-Briffett and Miss Barclay for helping make it such a success!
Year 6 discovered how people lived and worked circa 1350
Last Tuesday Year 6 went on a fantastic trip to a medieval village in Cardiff.
Whilst we toured around the village, our understanding of how people lived grew and grew as the time period was brought back to life. On our tour we visited places such as a medieval hut, a bakery, a butchery, and many more mind-blowing places! Our tour guide, Henry Hogg, asked for volunteers to role play everything from medieval pigs to baker apprentices! Before lunch we had an epic boys vs girls competition on who could make the best bread. The girls' expert plaiting crowned them winners, despite some bird poo finding its way into their dough!
After lunch Henry Hogg taught us about medieval war. He showed us what weapons peasants would use in battle and the armouring of a hired fighter. After that, he showed us a selection of arrows that archers would have used and what the lead knight would wear. Woody, the volunteer for the lead knight, even got to wear chainmail armour.
We finished with an awesome crime scene investigation on who should be punished for the dead rat found inside the peasant’s bread!
As you can see Year 6 had lots of fun and we were all sad when it was time to leave.
Year 7 have been to the zoo
It was a fantastic experience for everyone in Year 7. In the beginning we started with the big cat enclosures. We had the opportunity to listen to an informative talk about tigers from a keeper. We found out lots of facts about the tigers such as their hunting strategies and how they are known as ambush predators. It was interesting to be shown a tiger skull and learn about their teeth and the position of their eyes.
The highlight for most of the pupils was the baboon rock. The young baboon was adored by all. Some of the younger baboons were very funny and we watched them playing.
We enjoyed our lunch whilst watching the gibbons swing from tree to tree.
We all had to do a fact file on an animal of choice as part of our ecology work. The cute and cuddly ring-tailed lemurs were an extremely popular choice.
It was interesting to learn about what Paignton Zoo is doing to help conserve endangered species. We were sad to hear that the Socorro Dove is actually extinct in the wild. Mrs Cole was very happy that she was able to see a rhinoceros and she bought a cuddly rhino back to school which now sits on her desk.
Thank you to all of the teachers for looking after us and making the day such fun!
Thomas, Helen, Muriel and Mrs Cole
Snoops' Diary
by Snoops the Dog
Dear Friends
I am aware that most weeks I talk about myself, so this week I’m going to give you all a break and introduce a new addition to the school (not a hooman addition, might I add).
She’s beautiful, blonde, very adorable and her name is Nala. Her eyes are almost as big as mine and her ears, although not as fluffy, are definitely bigger! As you can imagine, she’s drawing a lot of attention from my friends and you’re probably wondering if I’m feeling just a tad jealous! The answer to that it is a definite, “n….n…..n……yes!”.
I’ve been taught that honesty is the best policy, so there you have it, yes, I’m feeling most put-out by the arrival of a school bunny.
Please remember that I’ve been spoiled rotten for six whole years by your little hooman admirers (and let’s not forget the big hoomans - they love and adore me too). It’s tough getting used to sharing, but I’m trying my hardest. Nala and I have now breathed the same air and shared the same living space for five days. Although I’ve battled, and almost conquered, my instinct to eat her, I haven’t yet been able to bring myself to make eye contact. I’ll keep you updated with our unfolding friendship, but I hope you are pleased with my efforts to date.
Have a great weekend and remember to give me a reassuring ruffle if you see me around school over the next few weeks.
Love from your original, and extremely loyal, fluffy friend.
Snoops X
As I write this, the Common Entrance pupils are in the Woodard Room completing their examinations and thoughts will then quickly turn to next week’s residential trip.
We are looking forward to being outside for long periods in (we hope) great weather. As well as being an excellent way to celebrate the end of exams for this year, there are many benefits to this trip for the children and lots of new experiences to be had. It is always good to observe them working in teams to solve problems on some of the activities and also interesting to see them as individuals overcoming their fears on things like high ropes.
Upon our return the focus will turn to the Year 8 charity fete that takes place in the final week of term. We have already had some meetings about this as a year group and the children have begun to consider and organise the finer details of their stalls and games. It is very pleasing to see them prepare something that will benefit an excellent charitable cause and also provide much enjoyment for their fellow pupils.
I hope that the group enjoy their last three weeks at King’s Hall and all that is on offer for them, before enjoying a brilliant summer and then on to a fresh challenge at senior school.
Mr R Morgan
The weather has definitely been kinder this term, with lighter winds than last year which has helped the children to feel more comfortable with their boat controls. Many of the children who gained an RYA Level 1 certificate last year have been able to carry on with their Level 2 this year where they have honed their skills in setting the sails, centre board, balance trim and course made good.
King's Hall School Shop
Our school shop is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2.30pm - 5pm.
The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing.
For a list of uniform items and shop opening times, please click here
If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.
Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!
Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!