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Prep (Ages 7-13)


Join us for our upcoming Open Days

Taking place at King's College Prep on Friday, 14 March and King's College on Saturday, 15 March.

Drama is big here with the annual productions described by parents as ‘quite something’ and by pupils as ‘the highlight of our time here’.

Good Schools Guide 2022

Why Study Drama?

We believe drama is a valuable subject in its own right and an effective vehicle to learn about the world around us.

All children have a weekly drama lesson where creative expression and imagination is encouraged through practical activities. The emphasis is on encouraging pupils to become skilled in the use and knowledge of the art form. Indeed, developing performance skills is only one aspect of the work in the drama syllabus. Fascinating though this may be, developing confident and thoughtful children who use drama to help them understand and develop themselves is considered of even greater importance.


Key Skills

At King’s Hall, the teaching of drama is used as a vehicle for the learning of key life skills including confidence and conviction, teamwork, co-operation, listening, problem solving, communicating, reflection and evaluation.

Drama is also used to explore issues in our world, develop a sense of morality and values, support learning in other subject areas and develop imagination. All lessons explore a theme to allow children to develop knowledge of dramatic techniques, skills, forms and convention. This provides experience and understanding of drama conventions so pupils are prepared for Key Stage 4 GCSE drama course.


Facilities & Trips

We are fortunate to have a dedicated Arts Centre with its own staging (which can be adapted and recreated into a whole variety of sets), curtains, raked seating and a complete lighting rig and sound system. There is also a large costume department, and the children delight in the make-up and grease paint required for a show.

For those that see the world as a stage, this is a great place to start. Regular trips to the local theatres such as the Bristol Old Vic, the Octagon, Northcott and the Tacchi Morris, are arranged. In addition, children visit and are visited by productions from King's College. Visits and workshops at London's West End and Stratford upon Avon are also arranged for Year 7 and 8.


Performance Opportunities

In addition to the opportunities created as part of class drama, children are given the opportunity to perform to an audience. All are encouraged to take part in our very popular productions in Year 4, 6 and 8. If a child is willing to devote time and energy, then they will not be turned away, with auditions used solely to assign roles.

Recent productions have involved ensemble work, choral speaking, music and dance. For those older pupils who enjoy the technical side, there are opportunities to play a part by operating lights, sound, prompting or managing the screen projections.

Past productions have included Peter Pan, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Honk!, Alice in Wonderland and School of Rock

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