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Senior (Ages 13-16)


We have a number of 13+ Scholarships available. (Closing date Monday 17 February 2025)

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.

Army Section Activities

With nearly 100 cadets, by far the largest section in the CCF is the Army. Commanded by Capt Steve Shaw, and supported by a team of enthusiastic officers.

The Fourth Form recruits follow the Army Proficiency Syllabus which requires competence in drill, navigation, camp craft, fieldcraft and weapons handling. In order to be awarded the AP certificate, cadets must pass in all the skill areas and have completed an overnight camping or bivouac exercise. Cadets must pass a weapons test before firing blank or live rounds on a range.

The Fifth Form attend the CFIT course led by a Sgt from the Cadet Training Team, who demands a high level of commitment from the trainee NCOs. Last year all 22 cadets successfully completed the cadre course.



Many of our cadets remain in the Sixth Form on a voluntary basis, taking on the responsibility of instructing junior cadets in the Army Section and Chindits. They are expected to plan lessons in advance and organise the equipment required for the activity. During the Summer Term the cadets have a chance to participate in outdoor activities such as rock climbing, mountain biking and canoeing.

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