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Senior (Ages 13-16)


Join us for our upcoming Open Days

Taking place at King's College Prep on Friday, 14 March and King's College on Saturday, 15 March.

The Course

The Chindits programme is unique to King’s College CCF. It is an introductory programme for the Third Form, in which pupils experience a taste of CCF activities through a broad range of basic training.

Working in groups known as ‘columns’, Third Form pupils develop teamwork and leadership skills through activities covered in six main outdoor skill groups:

  • Camp craft: Tents and field cooking
  • Navigation: Use of maps and compasses
  • First aid: An essential skill for all
  • Field craft: Camouflage and stalking
  • Knots: Basic knots types and raft building
  • Communication: Relaying information clearly using radios and signals

Field Days and Chindit Camp

At the end of their Chindits year, the majority of pupils decide to remain in the CCF, choosing to join the Royal Marines, Navy or Army sections.

During the year, the Chindits either tackle high ropes and rafting challenges at Cobb's Cross Farm or spend a day pioneering on the Quantock Hills over two Field Days.

At the end of the year, the Chindits enjoy a hugely popular three-night camp in the wilds of Exmoor. Overlooking a beautiful Exmoor Valley, ‘base camp’ is set up and is home for the duration. Throughout their stay, pupils get the opportunity to take part in a variety of traditional camp activities.

The ‘night fright’ is enjoyed by staff and pupils alike and always elicits screams and laughter as pupils track each other in the dark, where hidden creatures (members of staff) lurk. The mock camp attacks, where pupils vigilantly watch their camps to avoid an enemy (staff again) invasions are again a fun way for pupils to learn about military tactics in a fun environment.

BBQs and general enjoyment of being outdoors are the basic order of the camp. Getting muddy, building dens, making friends, and gaining confidence are all thrown in for good measure and result in memories that will no doubt last a lifetime.

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