Join us for our upcoming Open Days
Taking place at King's College Prep on Friday, 14 March and King's College on Saturday, 15 March.Why Study Physical Education?
Within the PE department, we aim to develop qualities and skills that pupils need to succeed in school and beyond. The curriculum enables all young people to become successful learners who enjoy learning, participating, making progress and achieving. They are confident individuals who understand the place of physical activity in a healthy lifestyle. They are responsible citizens who have good self-discipline, self-control, leadership and social relationships.
We offer a broad spectrum of different sports in the Third Form to support the games and activity programme. In the Fourth and Fifth Form pupils can opt for GCSE PE. In the Third Form, pupils are introduced to sport that they can develop further through the wide range of clubs and activities that are offered at King's. These include climbing, squash, water polo, swimming and badminton. There is also a strong emphasis on developing fundamental skills which will allow pupils to have the strength and mobility to live healthy lives and improve performance.
Active Learning
We teach the AQA GCSE PE specification though an active learning approach, encouraging pupils to apply their knowledge to their own practical experiences.
The department also runs successful trips to Exeter University and Bath University to support the curriculum. Here pupils are able to make use of the sports science facilities available. We also invite outside speakers in to talk to groups about subjects such as sport psychology and sports performance.