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Sixth Form (Ages 16-18)

Sixth Form Scholarships

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We have a number of 13+ Scholarships available. (Closing date Monday 17 February 2025)

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.

Our Sixth Form (16+) awards recognise excellence and potential in a range of areas of importance to the school. All awards are made on the basis of open competition, and carry clear expectations of involvement and achievement. They are all are subject to annual review.

There are several Sixth Form Scholarships available including Academic, Music, Sport, Drama & Performing Arts, Art, Design Technology and BTEC Sport.

We are holding a series of events and workshops aimed at showing you what opportunities are available here at King's.


Somerset Scholarship at 16+

The Somerset Scholarship was established in 2007 to benefit academically able pupils from the maintained sector in Somerset who wished to pursue their Sixth Form studies at King’s College.

The number of scholarships given is limited, and depends on the quantity and quality of applicants each year. It complements the various other 16+ awards available and carries a fee remission of up to 50% of the day fees. This amount can be enhanced through means-tested bursarial assistance up to 100% of the day fee if necessary.



Candidates for the Somerset Scholarship are interviewed, sit the school’s own scholarship paper and take a verbal reasoning test. Great emphasis will be placed on academic promise and intellectual curiosity.

The Headmaster is very happy to discuss the details of the Somerset Scholarship and opportunities for studying at King’s College with parents and their children at any time. Please contact the College to make an appointment.

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