Join us for our upcoming Open Days
Taking place at King's College Prep on Friday, 14 March and King's College on Saturday, 15 March.Why Study Business?
Business studies is a well-established and broad-based A-level. It is highly relevant for those hoping to study business, management or accountancy at university. It is also a useful supporting subject for all pupils, because a lot of its content directly concerns everyone, whether in the world of work or as a consumer. The Edexcel A-level is designed in consultation with universities to ensure its approach is an appropriate foundation for further study.
The business studies department adopts a problem-solving approach to teaching and encourages pupils to think for themselves. There are few definitive right or wrong answers and the ability to evaluate arguments is crucial. Pupils are encouraged to read contemporary publications such as 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism and the Undercover Economist, as well as following the business and economic news in the media.
The aim of the business studies course is to provide pupils with a critical understanding of the different functions of business organisations, and to consider the environment within which businesses operate. It encourages students to be aware that business behaviour can be studied from the perspectives of a range of stakeholders, such as employees, customers, creditors and owners.
Students study business in a variety of contexts (eg. large/small, UK focused/global, service/manufacturing) and consider:
- What is business?
- Managers, leadership and decision making
- Decision making to improve marketing, operational, financial and human resource performance
- Analysing the strategic position of a business
- Choosing strategic direction
- Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies
- Managing strategic direction
The majority of our students go on to study either a straight (or related) business degree at a Russell Group University, and some go on to Oxbridge.
The Keynes Society
To enhance their studies, pupils attend lectures, visit local industries and participate in competitions such as the Bank of England Target 2.0 challenge, the Royal Economic Society Essay competition, the IFS Student Investor competition and the BASE management competition. The Keynes Society is the school's economics and politics society, which provides pupils with the chance to debate current economic and political issues. Both subjects give a great introduction to the workings of the real world; economics develops a critical way of thinking, while business studies provides the skills needed for most aspects of the business world. The society is going from strength to strength. Chaired and driven by Upper Sixth pupils, it is open to all pupils with an interest in economics and politics.