Join us for our upcoming Open Days
Taking place at King's College Prep on Friday, 14 March and King's College on Saturday, 15 March.Why Study Physics?
Studying physics at King’s involves a mixture of theory and practical work in first-rate, well-equipped laboratories.
As a highly regarded A-level, it enables not only scientific and engineering careers, but it is also prized for other courses such as business and law. Logical thinking is the core of the subject and this opens up more career opportunities than almost any other skill.
During the A-level course you will get the chance to visit the world’s largest scientific experiment, the large Hadron Collider at CERN, as well as other trips to university laboratories. In recent years we have visited Oxford, Bristol, Exeter and Bath. Be part of the adventure!
The relevance of physics to pupils’ everyday lives and its importance to modern technological society is fundamental to the department’s work. We also help pupils to understand how physics is involved in a wide variety of careers. Good physics graduates are highly numerate problem-solvers. They are particularly sought after in the rapidly developing sectors of quantitative finance, telecommunications, information technology and law.
Content and Assessment
This is a content-led approach to theory, yet it still offers a flexible approach. The specification is divided into topics, each covering different key concepts of physics. As pupils progress through the course they will build on their knowledge of the laws of physics, applying their understanding to solve problems on topics ranging from sub-atomic particles to the entire universe. For A-level only, the Practical Endorsement will also support the development of practical skills.
Content is split into six teaching modules, with three examination papers at the end of the course:
- Development of practical skills in physics
- Foundations of physics
- Forces and motion
- Electrons, waves and photons
- The Newtonian world and astrophysics
- Particles and medical physics