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Pre-Prep (Ages 2-7)

Pre-Prep School Life

Join us for our upcoming Open Days

Taking place at King's College Prep on Friday, 14 March and King's College on Saturday, 15 March.

Pupils make rapid progress from their excellent foundation in the Pre-Prep.

Educational Quality ISI report 2022

Class sizes are small, with ten to 15 in a class and children are quietly engaged and well behaved, arms flying up to answer questions and actively listening to each other’s responses.

Good Schools Guide 2022

Children are very eager to learn and take ownership... shown by younger Pre-Prep pupils who came into registration and independently prepared themselves for the day needing little, if any, guidance from the teacher.

Educational Quality ISI report 2022

Nursery and Pre-Prep are housed in a wonderful walled-off area with its own ‘little wood’, school chicken coop, ride-on trikes aplenty and classrooms sited in purpose-built Norwegian-style log cabins. Plenty of bright light and colourful displays.

Good Schools Guide 2022

Children from a very young age demonstrate a strong social awareness and the ability to work together to achieve more.

Educational Quality ISI report 2022

Meet the Headmaster

On my first visit to King’s Prep, I was struck by the tangible warmth and friendliness of children, staff and parents. The school hums with life and laughter as the children and teachers apply themselves with great energy to create a wonderful environment for learning. Children benefit from a genuinely rounded education where each individual is encouraged to fulfil their own potential, not only academically, but also to take advantage of the plentiful opportunities presented to them.

Pastoral care is of the highest standard and the development of a child’s understanding of kindness, empathy and friendship are balanced against instilling a determination to succeed and perform to one's best.

Children are amazing and can do incredible things, and I hope you visit us to see for yourself.

Justin Chippendale


Pre-Prep School Life

The moment a child joins the Pre-Prep family they embark upon an adventure in which they will lay the foundations for all future learning. The formative years of a child’s development should never be underestimated and we relish the challenge of ensuring learning experiences are so irresistible that the children cannot help but jump right in and devour them.

This initially starts with the favourable small class sizes which enable teachers to get to know their children incredibly well. We know what inspires and ignites interest in each child and as a result can cater their experiences to their individual needs and styles.This is further enhanced by the favourable staffing ratios; each year group is supported by a full time teaching assistant which results in an average 1:8 adult to pupil ratio. With so many experienced eyes charting children’s progress and development there is little chance of anything but success.


Fabulous Facilities

So what constitutes irresistible learning? Anything and everything that captures the imagination and creates a desire to find out more. We are, after all, ultimately aiming to instil in our children the skills needed for them to be independent, active learners.This is where our stunning grounds and facilities provide the perfect backdrop.

The Arts Centre bears witness to some amazing productions. From small scale class assemblies to spectacular nativities and summer shows, the children are immersed in opportunities to develop their creative and expressive abilities. The Arts Centre is also the location of our termly informal concerts in which every child learning to play an instrument has the opportunity to showcase their talents in front of an audience.

The Sports Hall, surrounding fields and Astro are used for PE and Games lessons, as well as for co-curricular activities such as rugby, football, hockey, tennis, tae-kwon-do and cricket.


The Great Outdoors

Outside of the classroom, our Forest School sees the children exploring, investigating, taking risks, developing key skills, applying what they know to new situations, and problem solving all in an environment where they feel they are simply having fun! Educational visits to museums, local industries, and seaside environments (to name but a few!) also help to bring learning to life and provide the concrete, first-hand experiences vital to understanding and knowledge.


Golden Time & Merit Badges

Golden Time takes place every Friday afternoon. This is a reward for the children after a week's hard work, and pupils are able to bring into school a small toy or game to share with their friends. The only exceptions are electronic devices or similar as we aim for this time to be socially inclusive.

Merit badges are awarded at Friday assemblies. These are proudly worn all week and returned the following Friday. Each class teacher in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 nominates two children per week who have impressed with their work, behaviour and/or attitude. Star Awards are also awarded to those in Years 1 and 2 for hard work, effort and conduct.


Co-Curricular Activities

As for extra activities, individual music lessons are available, as well as our hobbies programme. This includes ballet, Tae Kwon Do, choir, sports club, mindfulness, dance club, and rugby stars.

Children can also join our Tea Time (TT) Club. Sessions can be booked in advance if parents are working or can be booked on the day that care is required. This flexible approach is essential to meet the needs of increasingly busy families and the children are able to take part in these various activities, all under the watchful eye of qualified staff.


Dedicated Staff

Each year group is supported by a full-time teaching assistant which results in an average 1:8 adult to pupil ratio. On top of that, we are fortunate to have a Skills Development teacher who gives support to any child identified as needing an extra boost in one of the core curriculum areas at no additional cost. With so many experienced eyes charting children’s progress and development, there is little chance of anything but success.

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